Category: 30 lists

30 days of growth mindset: day 10

Alright, after a thousand posts on the theory of growth mindset, it’s time to share some of my daily learnings since I started this 30-day challenge. One of the things I’ve been doing since about December last year has been to write in my journal at least one thing...

30 days of lists – day 29

I finished List 29 a few days ago, but am still thinking about List 30 – the final list for the 30 days of lists challenge. Day 29: Next month’s plans. Next month (is now actually this month) is going to be fantastic. I’m taking some leave to hang...

30 days of lists – days 25-28

Almost there! Just two more lists to complete for my first ever 30 days of lists challenge. It’s been fun and made me think a bit, but I haven’t really been interacting much with the other people who have been doing the challenge. Day 25: My family’s quirks This...

30 days of lists – days 21-24

So much for a list a day! Day 21: My food pyramid I interpreted this one slightly differently, to make a list of the things I’m trying to do to improve my diet and health. Some of this is based on work by Michael Pollan, who writes some very...

30 days of lists – days 17-20

Moving on and trying not to get any further behind, I have temporarily abandoned List #16 of my 30 Days of Lists project. Here are the next four lists. Day 17: Favourite things about my home Day 18: I ask for help when . . . I think it’s...

30 days of lists – days 9-12

Carrying on with the catch up theme, here are the next 4 days of 30 days of lists. Day 9: Weird stuff that makes me cry.  Someone asked me why the Melbourne Cup makes me cry. I know there is lots to dislike about the racing industry and most...

30 days of lists – days 5-8

A lot has been happening, so the next few days will be catchup posts. To start with, here are the next four lists for my 30 days of lists project. (Days 1-4 are here). I’m having fun with this challenge, even though I’ve dropped a few days behind. Day...

30 days of lists – days 1-4

I recently heard about 30 Days of Lists and decided that it might be fun to join in. It’s a 30 day journalling challenge, where you get a prompt for a list every day, that you can record in any way you like. It could be as simple as...