undone things
Originally titled 100 things to do in 2013 … 2014 … 20….ahhh screw it, this page originally had a list of 100 things to do in 2013 that I posted in January to do over that year. As you can see from the title, the things didn’t all get done and carried over into 2014, 2015 and now 2016. And probably 2017 as well.
I started again with a more modest project called #30undonethings, which I hope to complete in December. Here’s the list. I’ll update it as I go.
Sew button onto black topClear stuff off kitchen bench top- Book skin check
Order pen from Notemaker- Order yoga shoes
Clean out the freezerMake card for Kramstable’s 4th Grade yearbookPrint photo for a project that has been going on way too long- Make a list of jobs that I can do in 5/10 minutes for when I have a short gap in my day
- Make a list of things I can do when I have low energy rather than go on my phone
Put the instruction book and receipt for the whipper snipper with all the other instruction booksSort out the pile of receipts on my deskUpdate my name with my credit card bankGo into phone company and update my name[deleted]Confirm blood donation- Get my baby slides scanned
- Finish the Facing Fear worksheets (there are 6 so is this 6 things?)
- Get new cord for Kramstable’s greenstone pendant
Get desktop drawers for my studyBuy new towels to replace the ones that are falling apartWash the fruit & veg bagsClear all the stuff off the couchTake my headphones into my study- Sew buttons onto purple shawl
- Make a list of the beers in the beer books
Sort magazine rackSort cookbooksClear off coffee tableClean and sort cutlery drawer- Wash baby mat
Take empty folders to schoolTake coins to bankGet battery for scaleGet a jar for the marjoram, label it and put the marjoram in itGet plastic tub for the Christmas decorations
This is the original 2013 list.
1. Improve my eating habits to make at least 90% of my diet free of processed food.
2. Reach my target weight (lose about the same again as I lost in 2012).
3. 15,000 steps per day.
4. Complete my 2012 Project Life album. Photos in the album. Most journalling complete. Just small tidy ups to do.
5. Keep up to date with 2013 Project Life. Most photos and layouts done for Jan to July.
6. Eliminate gluten.
7. Do the One Little Word workshop in 2013. January prompt cards complete. Nothing else.
8. Plan a new herb garden.
9. Start a small vege garden (along the lines of the book One Magic Square). I now have the book (August 2013)
10. Keep the house organised (establish routines).
11. Finish the DVD from our 2011 holiday for Juniordwarf. So close. Computer refuses to cooperate.
12. Make DVDs for Juniordwarf for events from 2012. I have done 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
13. [Private]
14. Scrapbook more. – I’ve done two layouts in 2016.
15. Get back into routines I’d started in 2012.
16. Regular weekly “me time”.
17. Weekly meal plan. This is happening – November 2016
18. Go to bed before 11 pm. Failing miserably.
19. Blog at least three times a week. 13 posts in January. 5 in February, 7 in March, 3 in April.
20. Learn to make yogurt.
21. Use beautiful stationery. I love my LAMY pens.
22. Reduce alcohol intake. Hahahahaha!
23. Get back into yoga. Bought DVD. Have been doing it most days with Juniordwarf. Went to regular classes in 2016.
24. Sew something. Anything. Just use the damn sewing machine! Juniordwarf’s Book Week Costume in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
25. Keep my One Line A Day journal. Up to date.
26. Buy decent walking shoes. Done.
27. Go to a National Park I’ve never been to. Franklin Gordon Wild Rivers on the way to the West Coast in March. It counts.
28. Go camping at least twice.
29. Internet-free time.
30. Ride my bike.
31. Get my bike in a rideable condition. I did this. April 2016.
32. Read []
33. Read Sweet Poison. Done. And attempting to detox from sugar.
34. [Private].
35. Read []
36. [] project.
37. Make bread. Maybe gluten free.
38. Start DVDs for Juniordwarf’s 1, 2 and 3 years.
39. Eat more vegetables.
40. Give Mrs Smyth her mix tape CD of 2011 songs. Done. November 2016.
41. Donate blood. I got clearance from the Doctor to do this in 2016.
42. Use some of my scrapbooking stash.
43. Drink more water. Water jug for my desk at work.
44. Revisit my Happiness Project commitments.
45. Perspective!
46. New habit: if it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now.
47. New habit: put stuff away where it belongs straight away.
48. Make a list of jobs that I can do in 5/10 minutes for when I have a short gap in my day.
49. Laugh more.
50. [Private].
51. Do parent help in Juniordwarf’s class. I’ve done this several times.
52. Drink more herbal tea. A fluctuating habit.
53. Get a notice board for the kitchen. Ordered, delivered and stuck on the wall.
54. Get a notice board for the study.
55. Decorate the study.
56. Order the new blind for the dining room. Not needed.
57. Take a photo that I want to display in the house.
58. Set up a worm farm with Juniordwarf.
59. Watch The Wizard of Oz with Juniordwarf. Done 2014. Several times.
60. Make decent dinners on Sunday nights for leftovers for weekday lunches. This is a thing now. 2015-16.
61. Declutter regularly.
62. Go to MONA. Done 3 May 2013.
63. Do NaNoWriMo. Done November 2014.
64. Be more organised at work.
65. [Private]
66. Make vanilla essence.
67. Make tomato sauce.
68. Enter a photo in at least one show.
69. Submit a layout to Creating Keepsakes.
70. [Private]
71. Appreciate the small things.
72. Notice things.
73. [Private]
74. Visit every antique shop in our town at least once.
75. [Private]
76. Change my hair colour. Did this. Looked horrible. Never again.
77. Decide what to do with the old chest of drawers.
78. Find a magazine rack side table.
79. Go on a yoga retreat. Done. March 2014. I want to go again. I went in 2016 too.
80. Turn my handwriting into a font.
81. Write the children’s story that has been in my head for years.
82. Learn some basic Italian.
83. Use hand cream more often.
84. Cull some more books.
85. Avoid footy tipping. I am not in any tipping competitions this year.
86. Finish The Mysterious Island. I finished it. I can’t remember when, but I did.
87. Participate in a semi-regular blog linkup.
88. [Private]
89. Do a cyber crop.
90. Write to my Aunt. I did better than this. I visited her. October 2014.
91. Stand up for myself.
92. Investigate ways of making my work environment more conducive to the work I’m doing.
93. Don’t buy stuff I don’t need.
94. Reduce/reuse/recycle.
95. Use most lunch breaks for walking, not shopping.
96. Keep better track of my spending & the household budget. I have a spreadsheet and I’m not afraid to use it.
97. Take down the not-an-Xmas tree. Done.
98. Stop using the couch as storage. Getting close.
99. Fix the things that have to be fixed, or throw them out.
100. Don’t stress if I don’t do everything on the list.
101. Reward myself when I do something on the list.
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I like number 101!
I need to update this list!