Week 41/2024: Recovery and plovers
Week of 7 October 2024
We were in Western Australia until Tuesday night but I’ll leave those updates for my travel blog posts, which will come sporadically over the next few weeks as I sort through my photos and notes from the trip.
Recovery . . . and plovers
A week at home
After we got home, the week was pretty quiet. It was school holidays, and Kramstable had rehearsals for his end of year theatre performance.
I took the rest of the week off on annual leave to recover from the trip and catch up on a few things. Like the 2000+ photos . . .
Here’s a couple more.

Small Press Zine Fair
Apart from the last couple of days of the holiday, one of the coolest things this week was going to the Small Press Zine Fair on Saturday.

This was held in the Hobart Town Hall and I heard about it through Kylie, who had a table there. But apart from that, I wasn’t sure what to expect as I’d never been to a zine fair before.
Here’s a clue: about 75 tables of people showcasing their art, film-making and writing with subjects ranging from self-care, to how to boil water, to laksas, and everything above and beyond that.

Despite my dislike of crowded indoor spaces, it was really cool, and there were lots of interesting zines and related products. I didn’t look at every table due to said dislike of getting too close to people, but a few grabbed my interest.

This one, for example.

Why is there no Hobart version? Because the writer is based in Launceston, but I should feel free to create a Hobart one.
That sounds like a challenge I can get right into.
And this one.

Because I love plovers. (I know, masked lapwings.)
And speaking of plovers, I received this as a gift this week.

It’s a beautiful print from the Birds of Tasmania series by Sylvie Gerozisis. I love it!
Week 41 summary
Habit tracker
I gave myself a couple of days off because I was still away on Monday and Tuesday. This week has been about rebuilding what I started three weeks ago.
- 15 minutes exercise sequence in the morning (5 days): 5/5 days
- Extra hip stretches (5 days): 5/5 days
- Go outside before 8 am (7 days): 5/7 days
- 2 walks or bike rides or a combination (5 days): 5/5 days
- Long walk (1 day): 1/1 (I walked 8.5 km)
- Walk 8,000 steps (7 days): 7 days
- Evening exercise sequence (5 days): 5/5 days
- 9.00 shutdown (4 days): 3/4 days
What was the best thing about this week?

What did I notice this week?
A plaque at Franklin Square.

Has that always been there? I’ve never seen it before.
What did I learn this week?
Check what’s plugged into the power point you’re about to turn off before you turn it off, in case it’s the one the router’s plugged into and someone else is working on the internet.
What am I reading?
- The Good Life by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz
- I Saw Her First by Jen Morris
- What Follows … : A ghost story by JamesMcLachlan