Week 41/2024: Recovery and plovers

Week of 7 October 2024 We were in Western Australia until Tuesday night but I’ll leave those updates for my travel blog posts, which will come sporadically over the next few weeks as I sort through my photos and notes from the trip. Recovery . . . and plovers...

Week 40/2024: WA travel blog part 1

Week of 30 September 2024 A week of travel on the sunny west coast of Australia. Go West! Part one Day 1: To Perth As I wrote last week, we headed off on Sunday for a ten-day holiday to Western Australia. I’d been to WA twice previously, both times...

Week 39/2024: Deco Tuesday

Week of 23 September 2024 This was a busy week leading up to school holidays. Art Deco in Hobart Deco Tuesday On Tuesday I went with a group from the Friends of the Theatre Royal on a tour of Hobart’s art deco architecture. Led by FOTR’s Moya Deigan, a...

Week 38/2024: Mind and meditations

Week of 16 September 2024 I went to see Kramstable’s play twice this week. The shape of mind and meditations The Shape of Mind This week Kramstable was in a production with his outside school drama class at Helen O’Grady Drama Academy. He’s been with them since he was...

Week 37/2024: A milestone week

Week of 9 September 2024 This week was a milestone birthday for a member of my immediate family. It was exciting (for them) and a reflective time (for me). Maybe I’ll share some of that, maybe I won’t. Some of it still hurts. Language matters Content advice: This post...

Week 36/2024: Spring architecture and reading

Week of 2 September 2024 Welcome to spring! Spring architecture and reading Conservatorium Further from my post about the ABC building once-was-Utas-Conservatorium last week, I recently became aware that the transmission tower has gone. If I’d been paying attention I could tell you when it happened, but I only...

Week 35/2024: Wear it purple day

Week of 26 August 2024 Content advice: This post mentions suicide. Wear it Purple day This Friday (30 August) was Wear it Purple day. Wear it Purple celebrates and respects LGBTIQA+ young people, “acknowledging all have the right to be proud of who they are and who they are...

Week 34/2024: A quieter week

A quieter week Week of 19 August 2024 After the excitement of the Stranger Sings! opening week, this was a quieter week. Stranger Sings lives This was the second and final week of performances and yes, I did go again. Twice. I loved it just as much as I...

Week 33/2024: Singing strangely

Stranger Sings! Week of 12 August 2024 This week was the culmination of six months work by Kramstable and his college classmates, when they had their first performances of their musical, Stranger Sings! So this week is all about that. The parody musical When Hobart College announced last year...

Week 32/2024: Returning to exercise

Week of 5 August 2024 Nerding and exercising This was another quiet week. I caught up with a friend on Saturday, and we went to an event at the Beaker Street festival. That was fun. Returning to exercise This week, we return to my disjointed account of attempting to...