19 for 2019: week 10 update
Week of 4 March
Well, things took an unexpected turn this week, with a no-coffee experiment being unexpectedly thrown into the mix. You can read about that in Saturday’s post.
Everything else is going slowly, with my main focus this month on getting more sleep, avoiding alcohol (thing 13), and doing at least 15,000 steps a day for the Cancer Council’s March Charge fundraiser.
To get more sleep, I’m attempting to move my bedtime back from sometime between 11pm and midnight to closer to 10pm, with my interim goal being 10.45. I achieved this every day last week, and most of those days I was in bed well before 10.45 but decided to read for a bit before I went to sleep, so the times I’ve recorded are the times I’ve turned the light off, not the actual time I was in bed.
I’ve also been trying to turn my computer off no later than 9.45, to give myself an hour of screen-free time. That has been less successful, so I’m looking at things I can do to make it easier to do.
Here’s last week’s tracker:
Day 4 (Monday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps: 15,618 | Bedtime: 10.45
Day 5 (Tuesday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps: 15,421 | Bedtime: 10:45
Day 6 (Wednesday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps: 28,311 | Bedtime: 10.45
Day 7 (Thursday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps:19,963 | Bedtime: 10.30
Day 8 (Friday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps: 16,775 | Bedtime: 10.45
Day 9 (Saturday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps: 15,825 | Bedtime: 10.45
Day 10 (Sunday): Alcohol: 0 | Steps: 15,916 | Bedtime: 10.15
I’m also tracking my wakeup time and my computer off time, as well as keeping an hourly record of what I’m doing and what my energy levels are as Chris Bailey describes in Chapter 3 of The Productivity Project. The purpose of this is to determine what my times of highest energy are so I can make sure I’m working on the things that are most important to me at these times. After ten days, the results are inconclusive. There were a couple of unusual things that probably threw a couple of days’ results off, and Chris also notes that if you’re making a switch to no alcohol and no caffeine, the first few days might not be entirely accurate as your body adjusts to being without those stimulants. So I’m planning to keep this up for a month and see if things become more consistent later in the month.
So much tracking!

Onto other things on the list.
- Photo course (thing 1): I watched two videos (day 17 and 18) but haven’t done any more assignments.
- Reading (thing 5): I finished three books this week, one fiction and two non-fiction (The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey and The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz). I’ve now read 12 books this year but the brief was six of them had to be fiction and I’ve only read five fiction books, so I don’t consider this thing to be complete.
- Wellness program (thing 6): I guess cutting out alcohol and coffee should contribute to reducing my stress levels and helping me stay calm, even though they are not specific issues that have been covered at this time. My main focus is on building up strategies I can call on when I get overwhelmed so I can better deal with those situations. I haven’t done a lot this week.
- 2018 photojournalism (thing 11): I stuck a couple of collages in the book.
- Beer books (thing 12): I entered one more book into the spreadsheet so I’ve finished six books, with four to go.
- Explore a track on kunanyi (thing 15): I already did this in February but I got another opportunity this week to accompany a group of kids from Kramstable’s school on a day bushwalk on the Pipeline Track so I can tick this one off again!
Pipeline Track, kunanyi Looking back at kunanyi from the Waterworks after the Pipeline Track walk - Lightroom (thing 19): I haven’t done anything specifically new; I’m just getting familiar with it by using it.
Status for week 10
- Things completed this week: 0
- Things completed: 4 (7, 8. 9, 15)
- Things I progressed: 7 (1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 19)
- Things in progress I didn’t progress: 2 (2, 16)
- Things not started: 6 (3, 4, 10, 14, 17, 18)