Category: sunday selections

sunday selections – tasmanian museum & art gallery

Here are some photos for Sunday Selections (if you can get past my ramblings on why I have these photos). Sunday Selections is hosted by River at her blog Drifting Through Life, and I have been an occasional participant over the past few years. It’s all about posting photos...

sunday selections: hunting the fagus

Today’s post is a Sunday Selections post for River, which I haven’t participated in for ages.  One thing that wasn’t on my 100 things to do in 2013 list but should have been because it’s something I’d wanted to do for ages, and that is to go and see...

east coast retreat (sunday selections)

I’m linking up with River for Sunday Selections today with some photos of our recent getaway. We went away for a few days to the East Coast of Tasmania. It’s not an area I know well, though I have visited parts of the coast previously and I have vague...

Lake Dobson

I’m linking up to Kim’s Sunday Selections at Frogpondsrock today. Last time we went to Mt Field National Park we drove the 16 km road to Lake Dobson but we didn’t have a good look around. Monday was a public holiday, so we decided it might be nice to...

Sunday Selections – Russell Falls

A post for Frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections, where you get to post some of your unseen photos and look at everyone else’s pictures. Earlier this week, Slabs, Juniordwarf and I went to Russell Falls, which is located in the Mt Field National Park. I’ll admit that, although I’m a Tassie...

sunday selections – hipstamatic

I thought I’d use the opportunity to participate in Kim’s Sunday Selections project to show off some of the Hipstamatic photos I took this week. On Monday I wrote about how, at the suggestion of one of my Twitter friends, I was going to use the Hipstamatic app for...

P365 – Day 177 what catches my eye/sunday selections

Sometimes I like to take a lot of photos of little things around me that normally I wouldn’t pay much attention to. The idea for me is to take photos that capture these objects from a different perspective, from a different angle, than I would normally see them. This...

P365 – Day 135 i don’t want to go outside

Here are my photos for this week’s Sunday Selections over at Frogpondsrock. This afternoon at about half past three, Juniordwarf suddenly decided he wanted to go outside. We’d been inside all day, even though, as days nearing winter go, today wasn’t too bad. Still, I was quite cosy inside...

P365 Day 121 – unexplored avenues, sunday selections and a challenge

Today’s post attempts to be three things: my picture of the day, a photo challenge and some ‘Sunday Selections’ project. First: the challenge. Earlier in the week my Twitter buddy @samedog suggested a challenge to another tweep, @wisie, who was saying he hadn’t taken many photos recently. The challenge...