sunday selections – autumn colours (more photos added)
Juniordwarf and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful autumn afternoon, after the normal early morning fog. Once that cleared, it was a glorious day, perfect for getting out of the house and taking photos. These photos are edited in my favourite iPhone app at...
sunday selections – power plant
Here are some more photos for Frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections photo project. Go on over and have a look – or post some photos on your blog and join in too! First, here’s what this week’s photos are all about . . . On Friday night Juniordwarf, Slabs, my Mum...
P365 – Day 93 autumn festival (Sunday Selections)
On a chilly, windy autumn day, where the rain threatened but never arrived, we went to our town’s Autumn Festival. After a bumpy start, where the ever-present wind blew Juniordwarf’s lunch off the table, upsetting him to the point he wanted to go home . . . ‘I don’t...
sunday selections – sunflowers
Here is this week’s post for frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections project. Since so many people said they liked the sunflowers photos, here are some more. Most of these were taken in 2008, with a couple more recent ones. This is the vege garden with lots of sunflowers. Look how tall...
Sunday Selections – Richmond
Here are some photos that I’ve taken of the Richmond Bridge from various visits to Richmond. These are for frogpondsrock‘s Sunday Selections – feel free to wander over and check out what other people are posting 🙂 To quote directly from the Richmond website: Originally named Bigge’s Bridge, Richmond...
sunday selections – fence posts
Some photos for Sunday Selections over at Frogpondsrock‘s blog. I recently blogged about how I like to get where I’m going as quickly as possible and not get held up on the way. This isn’t always true. Sometimes I think it’s fun to take a different road just to...
P365 – Day 44 home again – sunday selections
Nothing as interesting as yesterday’s trip to the rockfields. Picture of the day is the place we stayed, the Dover Hotel Motel. According to Pubs of Tasmania, it was built in 1925 and has a number of modern additions. I rather thinkg the brick bit might be one of...
P365 – Day 39 gone to seed
If you were ever wondering what happens when you let a lettuce go to seed, allow me to enlighten you. As a PS to my sunday selections post about the dragon eggs, Kim reported yesterday that a lot of the eggs on display had been stolen. I was really...
sunday selections – Chauncy Vale
Today juniordwarf and I went to the Chauncy Vale Open Day. I had never heard of Chauncy Vale until yesterday, but Kim over at Frogpondsrock mentioned that she’d be there making dragons eggs with the kids at the Open Day. That sounded like something juniordwarf would be interested in,...
P365 – Day 23 my camera in the raw (for sunday selections)
My ‘normal’ camera is a Fuji Finepix SF6500FD. I’ve had it for about three years. It’s one of those cameras that is a bit more sophisticated than a compact point-and-shoot (athough those cameras seem to be getting more and more sophisticated every week, so perhaps that’s not true any...