Category: self

Week 17/2023: Sunrise

Week of 24 April 2023 Another week of work and medical appointments And a day off on Tuesday, which was nice. I have some new physiotherapy exercises to do now while I wait for the results of the MRI on my lower spine. Isn’t this fun?! Week 10 summary...

Week 16/2023: The central cookery book

Week of 17 April 2023 The Central Cookery Book I recently discovered an Instagram account called @vintagestasrecipes, which posts photos of old cookbooks and related ephemera. It made me think of Tasmania’s best-known old cookbook, The Central Cookery Book, which was probably found in the homes of most Tasmanians,...

Week 15/2023: The air we breathe

Week of 10 April 2023 I love short weeks! I mean, with a public holiday the week isn’t any shorter but I have more of it to myself. So it’s actually a longer week from that perspective. We had visitors over the easter break and what else do you...

Sustainable living weekend

The Big Weekend of Sustainable Living Ideas On Saturday, Lil Sis and I went to Sustainable Living Tasmania’s Big Weekend of Sustainable Living Ideas, which was held across two venues in Bridgewater. SLT put on free buses from the city to Bridgewater so it was no trouble at all...

Week 11/2023: Three times a week is a habit part 3

Week of 13 March 2023 Three times a week is a habit part 3 I wrote about Laura Vanderkam’s idea that “three times a week is a habit” earlier in the week. This approach is based on her view that people often don’t do “daily habits” seven days a...

Three times a week part 2

Tranquility by Tuesday Three times a week is a habit: Part 2 Last time, I talked about Laura Vanderkam’s wonderfully freeing idea that rather than beating yourself up because you can’t do [xyz wonderful thing] every single day so you don’t do it at all, by doing it three...

Week 10/2023: Three times a week

Week of 6 March 2023 Tranquility by Tuesday: Chapter 5 Three times a week is a habit. As well as James Clear’s Atomic Habits, which I’ve been writing about in the last few weeks, I’ve been working through Laura Vanderkam’s book Tranquility By Tuesday. Planning on Friday, which I...

Week 9/2023: Atomic habits part 5

Week of 27 February 2023 Atomic Habits Part 5 As I wrote last time, I’m carrying on with James Clear’s 30-day habit challenge to try and get myself back into a writing habit. Since then, I’ve started the daily habit of sitting at my desk, opening my notebook and...

Writing again: atomic habits part 4

Atomic Habits Part 4 The 30-day challenge As I’ve been writing over the last couple of weeks, the first six lessons from James Clear’s 30-day habit challenge looked first at establishing your identity and choosing small (tiny) habits you can do to support that identity, and then setting up...

Week 6/2023: Beginnings

Week of 6 February 2023 The 2023 school year begins This week Kramstable started his first year of college; the first year of his final phase of school life. My school experience has changed a lot since Kramstable started kinder in 2011. Primary school was eight very long years,...