Week 06/2025: Planes and boats . . . and a whale
Planes and boats . . . and a whale Week of 3 February 2025 A hard week. Perhaps the hardest one yet. But also some light. The final week And not even a full week. The week leading into the day I’d been dreading since I found out Kramstable...
Week 02/2025: Sadness settles in
Sadness settles in Week of 6 January 2025 The first full week of 2025. It was . . . challenging. The story of moving out The story begins when Kramstable said he wanted to live in Melbourne. He first mentioned this a few years ago but that’s all I...
Week 01/2025: Activities for a new year
Week of 30 December 2024 It feels weird to call this week 1 because it started in 2024. But hey, my diary says it’s week 1, and I’m beholden to a paper planner, so week 1 it is. This week was half a week of holidays, two days of...
Week 50/2024: Acting and art
Week of 9 December 2024 This was a much better week than the last two weeks have been. My sore back has settled, and I saw some wonderful art and some amazing theatre. Oh yeah, and I was in a play. Acting and art Uncensored I must start with...
Week 48/2024: Endings
Week of 25 November 2024 This week I was tired. Things just didn’t work out. I didn’t sleep enough, I hurt myself exercising, I am very tired, and to top the week off a family member who I don’t live with, but had visited the day before, tested positive...
Week 47/2024: Photos of the week
Week of 18 November 2024 This wasn’t a super exciting week. Here are some photos. Photos of the week Historic Fisheries Research Centre in Battery Point I must have walked past this a hundred times and never noticed it. This shed is the only building remaining from Tasmania’s first...
Week 46/2024: Recovery week
Week of 11 November 2024 I was tired this week after two busy weekends in a row so I wanted to take it easy. That worked well, apart from a hurried trip into town very early on Monday morning. The light was nice though. Trans awareness week 13-19 November...
Week 45/2024: More art and architecture
Week of 4 November 2024 Last week was about art, and this week was about more art and architecture as well. Art and architecture Art After seeing two art exhibitions last week, this week I decided to top it with five. It wasn’t deliberate. I was just in the...
Week 41/2024: Recovery and plovers
Week of 7 October 2024 We were in Western Australia until Tuesday night but I’ll leave those updates for my travel blog posts, which will come sporadically over the next few weeks as I sort through my photos and notes from the trip. Recovery . . . and plovers...
Week 39/2024: Deco Tuesday
Week of 23 September 2024 This was a busy week leading up to school holidays. Art Deco in Hobart Deco Tuesday On Tuesday I went with a group from the Friends of the Theatre Royal on a tour of Hobart’s art deco architecture. Led by FOTR’s Moya Deigan, a...