21 for 2021: week 9
Week 09/2021: week of 1 March 21 for 2021 update Last year, one of my 20 for 2020 things was to have a month without alcohol. I started that on 2 March 20202 and I haven’t had a drink since then. So this week marked the one-year anniversary of my...
Back to the future part 2
Continued from part 1, in which I write about the origins of this blog in 2011. After blogging every day in 2011 and then limping through 2012, I tried to reignite the blog in 2013 because I did enjoy blogging and interacting with the people who read it and...
100 things in 2018
In 2013, inspired by another blogger, I made a list of 100 things I wanted to do that year. I posted the list on a page on my blog and periodically updated it and crossed things off I’d achieved. By the end of 2013, there were a lot of...
12 commandments
I got a bit lost on Challenge 6, 30 days clarity. The idea for this challenge came from Stephen Covey’s Second Habit: Begin with the end in mind. That is, to start with a clear understanding of your destination; to know where you’re going so that the steps you take are...
Walk in her shoes – a reflection on the week
So another Walk In Her Shoes week is over; my third time participating in this event for CARE Australia. I love the idea behind the challenge: to walk 100km (or the distance of your choice) to raise funds for CARE’s work in countries where women and girls miss out...
Book 4/24 – Better Than Before
This is my final catch-up post of the books I’ve read this year. I’m currently reading book #5. I’ve been a fan of Gretchen Rubin since I read her first book The Happiness Project in 2011. Her new book, Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives,...
30 days of lists – days 9-12
Carrying on with the catch up theme, here are the next 4 days of 30 days of lists. Day 9: Weird stuff that makes me cry. Someone asked me why the Melbourne Cup makes me cry. I know there is lots to dislike about the racing industry and most...
Happiness is not a destination
When walking past a shop recently, I glanced into the window and saw a poster with this quote on it: Happiness is not a destination.It is a way of life. It sums up the attitude I’ve been trying to instil in myself. Last year I blogged several times (here,...
the star chart (and weekly check-in #2)
Let’s talk about resolutions. Well, actually, since this is my blog (and my weekly check-in) I’m going to talk about my resolutions. Or, more accurately, my commitments. I decided to call my resolutions ‘commitments’, because to me ‘resolution’ conjures up something you come up with for New Year and,...
Weekly Check-in #1
Remember my post a couple of weeks ago in which I made a commitment to myself to wash up and clear off my kitchen bench every night? Well, it’s not much good making that sort of commitment unless I have a way to keep myself honest, so I made...