Category: flowers

Week 31/2021: walking

Week 31/2021: Week of 2 August 2021 What did I want to do better this week? This week I was trying to get myself out of bed early enough to go for a walk. I set the target of doing it for five mornings, because I leave the house...

Week 23/2021: memories

21 for 2021 update The Change Journal (thing 4) This week I completed the 66th day of the final habit in the habits chapter (chapter 7) of the Change Journal so I’ve now completed seven chapters. Vegetable of the week (thing 2) Thing 2 is to choose a different...

21 for 2021: week 1

Week 1/2021: week of 4 January 2021My 21 for 2021 list.  This was my first week back at work so I decided it was as good a time as any to get back into the pre-work planning routine from the LifeHack program (thing 20). The video suggests following the...

20 for 2020: week 21

Week 21: Week of 18 May My 20 for 2020 list. After I handed my uni assignment in last Sunday (thing 8) I felt completely drained and flat and certainly not inspired to start thinking about the rest of the work and the next assignment, which I think is...

19 for 2019: update week 3

It’s week 3 of my 19 for 2019 plan (week of 14 January 2019). I didn’t make a lot of progress this week. I finished reading two books (thing 5). One of them was this one, Exhausted to Energised by Dr Libby Weaver. (Reading list here if you want...

12 of 12 August 2015

Wednesday 12 August was a work day that wasn’t 100% normal. The forecast for Hobart was 4-15, with a chance of a late shower. 1 of 12 – It was cold when I got up. It’s the time of year when afternoon me hates morning me for rugging up...

12 of 12 December 2013

Thursday 12 December was a pretty ordinary school and work day. 1 of 12 – School bank day. 2 of 12 – Lunch order day (Thursdays we have to remember two things!) 3 of 12 – This flower caught my eye on the way to work. 4 of 12...

it’s been a busy year

Regular readers of this blog (if I still have any left) will notice that this is my first post in over three months. I’m not really sure where to take this blog now. In 2011 I achieved my goal of blogging my 365 Project every day, and earlier this...

the boy and the flower

I finished off a couple more layouts this weekend. Both of them, I can quite proudly say, involved using all products I already had at home, other than one sheet of cardboard. The first one is a photo of Juniordwarf when he was at the height of his “don’t...