Category: art

A journey to freedom

After Friday’s visit to TMAG with Kramstable, I said I was going to go back to take in A Journey to Freedom more fully. I often say I’m going to revisit something and never end up doing it but this time I felt I really had to. I don’t know...

Hanging out at TMAG

Today was the last day of the school holidays. Kramstable and I went to the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery (TMAG). We started out in the Bond Store and looked at the Tasmanian displays. Kramstable pointed out the Tasmanian Native Hen, which he had done a project on at...

Book 2018/01 – Steal Like an Artist

Austin Kleon describes himself as “. . . a writer who draws. I make art with words and books with pictures”. The book Steal Like an Artist is based on a talk Mr Kleon gave to some community college students in 2011 where he spoke to a list of ten things he...

Black & white 6

It’s time for the next seven black & whites. Some of these seem like such a long time ago, but it was only a couple of weeks.  ...

The new year

I posted a different version of this post on instagram this morning with a non-sunrise picture of the beach. You can see a bird if you really look. I was going to do it a couple of days ago, before the end of 2017, but I’m not good on...

Black and white #2

Today is day 19 of my extended black and white photo project, following the original seven days. I have a bit of a backlog to get through, so here are the next seven photos....

Art from trash

Two years ago I was lucky enough to go with Kramstable’s class on an excursion to, among other things, the Art from Trash Exhibition. It’s an annual event run by the Resource Work Cooperative at the Long Gallery in the Salamanca Arts Centre, which “encourages the reuse of discarded materials...

Challenge 8 – Crosswords Day 15

I’m now half way through the crosswords challenge and have started puzzle 22 today. I completed three puzzles this week, one of them I cried out for help on Twitter because there was a clue I just couldn’t get: “American runners from Alaksa wearing cruel smiles (8)”. I got...

Challenge 7 – 30 days of yoga

I started this challenge on Thursday with 15 minutes of yoga following my daily 10 minutes of meditation instead of going for a walk. It feels really weird to be doing yoga by myself, without the direction of a teacher or a DVD. To guide what I was doing,...

30 days of growth mindset: day 23

I’ve lost count of the days since my reset. I think I’m up to day 23. That will do anyway. I’ve been wondering what I can do to explore the growth mindset further before the end of the month. There are a couple of exercises in Carol Dweck’s book I...