Sydney travel blog day 4
Wednesday 18 January 2023
Too hot to do anything
Today, the news reported gleefully, people in Sydney would enjoy their first day of 30 degrees for almost a year.
The words “enjoy” and “30 degrees” do not belong in the same sentence any more than the word “enjoy” belongs with “going to the dentist”, “cleaning the bathroom” or “bananas”. But apparently, some people like the heat.
That forecast was one of the reasons I’d decided to make my photo-trip into the city yesterday, and because after today, it was supposed to rain for the rest of our trip.
Today, with the expected heat and my sore back, I decided to do very little.
Randwick Art Deco continued

In the morning I went out to find the rest of the Randwick Art Deco walk buildings, which were in Alison Road, Bradley Street and Cook Street.

They were all stunning.

I misread the map and thought that one of them had been demolished. It wasn’t until I got back to the accommodation that I realised I’d actually walked right past the place and I’d mistaken the number on the map for the street number of the property.
Back at UNSW
After I dropped Kramstable at NIDA, I wandered back through UNSW and noticed a brown brick building, which looked like it might have been student residences, surrounded by construction fence and some work being done. I’m guessing, based on the signs, they were removing asbestos in preparation to demolish it.

Leaving UNSW, I headed back to the Newmarket area for coffee. This area has a strong connection to the horse racing industry, including a massive playground that used to be the sales ring for the horse sales.

The “big stable” has been restored, and apparently it was used in the movie Phar Lap.

I spent the rest of the day resting in the air conditioning before it was time to go back to NIDA.
The rain came in the evening, which cooled everything down, and was most welcome.