30 days alcohol-free: day 11

Day 11 of my 30 days with no alcohol. (I started on 31 May, and it’s 30 days, not #noboozeJune.)

So I survived Saturday, a day I’d normally have several drinks, and Sunday, when we had a pub meal with friends. Everyone else was happy because they had a designated driver. I wondered if I’d feel like I was missing out when everyone else was drinking. I didn’t. It didn’t bother me one little bit. I didn’t pay any attention to the fact that other people were drinking and it was no problem at all. I was a bit surprised by this.

There was no Farm Bar to taunt me on Sunday, and the next day I was back to school nights. The only potential for slipping during the past week was on Thursday, when we went to the winter garden party at Willow Court that was held in conjunction with the opening night of Dark Mofo. There were several local beverage producers on site. I wasn’t super-tempted when we first got there, but then our night was unexpectedly cut short, so any opportunity for me to fail in this challenge was gone.

I’m now one-third of the way through my first challenge, and am about to start on my first more introspective challenge. I’ll be posting my thoughts on the book that has inspired this challenge over the weekend, and then a post about what I’m thinking the challenge will look like before I start it on the 15th.

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