Tag: 30 days

Week 22/2024: Hacking and journalling

Week of 27 May 2024 Hacking and journalling There were two highlights this week, both of which meant I had to drive a car to get there. (I dislike driving and avoid it wherever possible so you’ll know if I drive somewhere I either have no choice or it’s...

19 for 2019: more sleep, less booze

Quite some time ago, I don’t remember when, I heard about Chris Bailey’s Productivity Project, in which Chris set out to conduct a year-long series of productivity experiments on himself to find out how different strategies and tips affected his work. He wrote a blog about his experiences and followed...

12 commandments

I got a bit lost on Challenge 6, 30 days clarity. The idea for this challenge came from Stephen Covey’s Second Habit: Begin with the end in mind. That is, to start with a clear understanding of your destination; to know where you’re going so that the steps you take are...

30 days of undone things – days 2-6

I’m now six days into my challenge of doing 30 annoying little things that have been on my to-do list forever and that are mostly pretty easy to do, which which I just can’t seem to get done. Day 2 (Friday): I put everything away off the bench top...

Challenge 9 – 30 days of undone things

It’s time to start work on 30 things I’ve been putting off and that are annoying me. Here’s my complete list of things I am going to finish before 31 December: Sew button onto black top Clear stuff off bench top Book skin check Order pen from Notemaker Order...

Challenge 6 – Clarity -it continues

I am really struggling with the “clarity” project. I think I’m finding it hard to lock things like my values and purpose into writing, because I think once they’re committed in writing they’ll be locked in and I’ll never be able to change them. It’s an issue I’ve struggled...

Challenge 8 – Crosswords Day 15

I’m now half way through the crosswords challenge and have started puzzle 22 today. I completed three puzzles this week, one of them I cried out for help on Twitter because there was a clue I just couldn’t get: “American runners from Alaksa wearing cruel smiles (8)”. I got...

Challenge 7 – 30 days of yoga: overview

Friday was Day 30 of 30 days of yoga. I did it! I gave up my morning walks most days to make the time to do yoga in the mornings, and reduced my daily step target to 12,000. I missed reaching it on nine of the 30 days but...

Book 30/24: Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose (8)

I was intrigued enough by the title Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose (8) when I saw this book in the library to pick it up and scan through it, because I had no idea what the title meant. Obviously if you’re a crossword enthusiast, you would have picked up...

Time to take stock

When I started this project back in June, I imagined that I’d be able to have two challenges on the go at the same time – one would be a small habit change that I would try our for 30 days and the second one would be something more...