30 days of lists – days 13-15

Welcome to the new home of pastpresentfuture. I have been thinking about switching over to WordPress for quite a while now and finally sorted myself out enough to do it this weekend.

So here I am, still trying to figure out exactly what goes where, but still pleased to be here.

And continuing on the catchup theme, here are my next lot of lists. I would have done Days 13-16 but I’m struggling with List 16. Rather than let that hold me back, I’m moving on.

Day 13: Bad habits


Day 14: Weekend essentials

ImageA couple of people pointed out to me after I had posted this photo on Instagram that I’d forgotten wine. Oops. This is very unlike me.

I was a little bit chuffed that this list was featured on the 30 Days of Lists blog (which I can’t link to here as it’s restricted to participants).

Day 15: In my junk drawerImageI took this photo in my junk drawer, just for added atmosphere.

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