Walk in her shoes – Day 1
So this is it. The big week of walking for CARE Australia’s Walk In Her Shoes Challenge.
I know I originally said I was going to aim for 20,000 steps a day and then if I reached that (relatively) easily I’d revise it to 25,000 for that day as a stretch goal. But I looked at my results from last week, where my goal was 21,000 a day and I managed to get over that every day last week (with a bit of pushing on a couple of days) – my average over the week was 22,584 steps a day.
So I decided that every day is going to be stretch goal day. I did it last year and I think I can do it this year too.

Every day is also leggings day.
Exhibit A: Morning walk leggings.

Exhibit B: Leggings for the rest of the day. Carefully selected to blend in with bus seat blue. (I can’t imagine why anyone hasn’t thought to make the bus seat prints into clothing. I’m sure demand would be huge.)

Zoe has become my walking buddy because she’s orange, the WIHS logo is orange and who wouldn’t want to walk around with a small, very dirty, orange muppet as a companion? Mock me if you like. I don’t care.

I have orange nail polish as well, and I pimped my Fitbit with its orange band because I need more orange in my life. It’s my new favourite colour.

A couple of weeks ago I thought it might be good to incorporate stair climbing into this week. Ditch the lift at work and take the stairs. I forgot about this until I was leaving today. What a shame.

The good news is I’ve reached my 25,000 step target today. One day down, six to go.
My sponsorship page is here if you’re interested in contributing to the fabulous work that CARE does.