P365 – Day 304 – work shoes
Posted On 31 October 2011
Apparently I have three pairs of work pants.
I say apparently, because this morning when I got up at stupid o’clock to get ready for work I couldn’t find any of them. Not a single pair of work pants. Out of three pairs!
I could have worn a skirt instead . . .
. . . not bloody likely!
So I wore jeans.
I keep my rather flash shoes with the highest heels I own at work because I’m never going to wear them at home. So when I got to work I put them on to show that I wasn’t doing Casual Friday on a Monday.
I’m not sure that the hole in my jeans went any way to convincing anyone of this.
But I had my Work Shoes on.
Therefore, I was wearing a Work Outfit.
End of story.
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Haha Monica! I think there is one tucked away in the back of my cupboard somewhere. Unless I decluttered it.
I didn't know you even owned a skirt.
Oh, I wish I could get away with that! Sadly, Coles does prefer the workers to wear black pants….or skirts, which I will never do.