12 of 12 March 2014

12 March 2014 was a Wednesday, two days after a Public Holiday. School has been back for five weeks – so it’s only five more until the next lot of school holidays. I’m into Week 2 of “training” for the CARE Australia Walk in her Shoes challenge, which starts next week and I’ll be trying to walk 20,000 steps every day for a week. I’m also giving quitting sugar (fructose) another go. This is my second week into Take 2, and I’ve only slipped up once – because I made a deliberate choice to and I enjoyed it and didn’t feel bad about it.

Today was one of those four-seasons-in-one-day days.

1 of 12 – I bought these running shoes in 2005 when I started to run. They’re a bit worse for wear now. I’m not able to run at the moment, but these are OK for walking.


2 of 12 – Yesterday was hot (29 degrees) and humid and it was a dumb idea to go for a walk in the middle of the day. This morning was a complete contrast. It was cold.


3 of 12 – We’ve been trying to encourage Juniordwarf to read some chapter books, but he still loves his old favourite picture books. Given his interest in elves and fairies, we thought he’d love some of the Enid Blyton books that we loved in our childhood. We’ve introduced him to the Wishing Chair at bed time, and this is one of the first times we’ve seen him reading it (or any other chapter book) to himself. He’s not quite at the silent reading stage because I noticed his lips were moving as he was reading. It was so cute.


4 of 12 – The basil seeds I sowed on the weekend have germinated nicely. This is Day 5.


5 of 12 – The demolition of the old Government Print Building and the PABX is continuing. They are now pretty much at ground level and there isn’t much left of the buildings. Late last week, they opened Gate 2 for the first time, to let trucks in to clear out the rubble.


It’s hard to believe that Gate 2 used to be the front door of the PABX Building. (You can see it in this photo – towards the right hand end of the building where the orange sheeting is.)


6 of 12 – Juniordwarf’s running carnival. He tried hard, he finished his races and he had fun.


7 of 12 – When we got home I went for another training walk. We are so lucky here to have this lovely walking track along the Lachlan Rivulet that stretches from Humphrey Street to Tynwald Park and then around to the Esplanade.


8 of 12 – There’s a State election on this weekend, if you hadn’t noticed.


9 of 12 – There are a few of these seats scattered around the place, including along the walking track. People were quite bemused by the positioning of this one.


10 of 12 – Juniordwarf watches Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom religiously at 5.35 pm every afternoon except Mondays. He’s even set an alarm on my phone to remind him to turn the TV on, since the time got moved back 10 minutes and he forgot, and missed it.


11 of 12 – Tonight’s episode was called “The Fruit Harvest”. The elves go to harvest the fruit, only to find it’s been eaten by Mr Gnome. Because gnomes eat and eat and eat and eat and . . . Will the Wise Old Elf’s clever plan to rescue the blackberries from the hungry gnome succeed, and give the elves fruit for the harvest dance?


12 of 12 – Fitbit goal this week (building up to 20,000 steps per day) is 17,500 steps per day. I made it!


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