CARE Australia’s Walk In Her Shoes Challenge Day 5

This was a fairly uneventful day. As I dragged myself out of bed at stupid o’clock this morning, all I could think of was that this was the last day I’d have to get up quite this early.

5.5 km walk this morning, the morning school run, a walk at lunch time (the first time this week I’ve actually gone for a walk in my lunch break), the afternoon school run and then as much walking (and jogging on the spot) as I could manage after work.

Tomorrow morning I’ll be getting up at a slightly less unmentionable hour to attempt my major Walk In Her Shoes goal of walking 15 km. I posted on Facebook that I was accepting entries in the ‘how long will it take and how many steps will it be’ competition. First prize was a fabulous opportunity to see a wonderful children’s entertainer accompanied by my lovely son on Sunday.

Strangely enough I had no entries, other than Lil Sis, who needed further information on how many hills and other obstacles would be involved before she committed to an answer.

I’m hoping it will take me less than 3 hours, and I think it will be about 20,000 steps. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

Today’s leggings. I’ve now worn bright leggings to work every day for a week and no one has commented. Perhaps they were too polite.

20150320 WIHS Day 5 1 Leggings

Walking selfie. Who needs a selfie stick? Bonus points if you know where this picture was taken.

20150320 WIHS Day 5 2 Walking selfie

Today Juniordwarf’s school wore orange for Harmony Day, which is tomorrow. I decided to get into the spirit too. Orange and pink go together well, don’t you think? (Thanks Juniordwarf for the photo.)

20150320 WIHS Day 5 3 Me and Zoe

OK, two days to go. I can do this.

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