project life 2014 album – new title page
I finally decided to buy the digital Project Life kit to go with my Sunshine Edition cards.
I did this in 2012 with the Cobalt Edition and I liked how I could use this for a hybrid approach – for example, printing photos onto a 6×4 journal card and typing the journalling directly onto the card. Or in this case, onto a 3×4 journal card.
This way I don’t have to cut the photos and stick them onto the card, or hand write anything! It takes a bit more time when I’m editing the photos, but it saves time when I’m putting them in the album.
I’m planning a post for my January pages a bit later on, but in the mean time I have changed my title page. It probably won’t be the last change I make over the year either.
This is the recommended setup of the title page in the kit
I find the mix of cards to be too confusing. I prefer it to look a bit more consistent, so I chose the left hand 3×4 filler card as my base. Then with the digital cards, I did exactly the same thing as I did in my 2013 album, and printed the year across the four cards.
So Version 2 of my title page looks like this
I might replace one or two of the 6×4 cards with photos or something else. I’m not sure yet.
But I like how it’s looking so far.
I love your new title page! I agree, I like having the digital cards for typing directly on the card on occasion. Love how colorful your title page is, super cute!
Thanks Annette 🙂 I like it a lot better than the title cards that come with the kit. I think it looks cleaner and more in keeping with my style!
Greek. Cult.