Month: May 2013

and so, this self-care thing is hard

After yesterday’s post about how I’m not looking after myself (I’m starting to sound like that frozen meals ad, yeah?) I got a lot of supportive comments from my friends, both real life and online. I felt very touched that people were concerned about me. They all said pretty...

the conflict within

The last few weeks I’ve felt like I’m two different people. I’m very busy at work and the end date is rapidly approaching. Things need to be done yesterday and somehow, the two elements of the project that I’m responsible for have both ended up needing to be finalised...

ffs friday

I’m new to this FFS Friday thing, so bear with me as I learn to rant on the internet. FFS Friday is all about what has pissed you off in the last seven days. My lovely friend Mrs Smyth has encouraged me to participate and link up with DearBaby G....

yoga boy

I bought the yoga DVD so I could keep up with a structured routine after my teacher left. Someone else decided that they would like to do yoga as well. He’s started getting up early to do the routine with me and he knows a lot of it off...

they might be giants

They Might Be Giants plays Hobart I’m fortunate enough to have seen three of my all-time top-five musical artists live. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve seen Paul Kelly live – the most recent was in 2011 for one of his A to Z shows.  ...

sunday selections: hunting the fagus

Today’s post is a Sunday Selections post for River, which I haven’t participated in for ages.  One thing that wasn’t on my 100 things to do in 2013 list but should have been because it’s something I’d wanted to do for ages, and that is to go and see...

the year is 1/3 over

It’s the end of April. Well actually we’re almost a week into May, but I’ve been so frantically busy at work I hadn’t noticed. So it’s still the end of April as far as I’m concerned.This means it’s time for my end of month review of my 100 things...