P365 – Day 162 – purple carrots
Posted On 11 June 2011
A few weeks ago I found some purple carrots in a supermarket. Juniordwarf was quite delighted by them, and was more than happy to eat them. A victory in the battle to get him to eat vegetables!
He followed this by a refusal to eat orange carrots. Only purple carrots would do.
Of course.
Well our local supermarket doesn’t stock purple carrots, and we were only in the one that did because we were in the area to do something else, and it seemed like a good idea to get the groceries while we were there.
Since I’m not going to make a special trip anywhere just to get purple carrots, the only way he’s going to get them, unless we see them again somewhere, is if we grow them ourselves.
So on the way home from the Botanical Gardens last weekend, we called into a store I was fairly confident would sell purple carrot seeds (thankfully it did) and bought some.
Juniordwarf was very keen to sow some seeds, but the weather this week has been terrible and not conducive to gardening, so he didn’t get a chance until today. Today we spent a couple of hours out in the garden, mainly pulling out dead plants and weeds, and we sowed some purple carrot seeds.
I’ve never successfully grown carrots, so I’m hoping this will be the first time. Instead of putting the seeds in the oxalis infested vege patch, we put them in one of those polystyrene vegetable boxes filled with potting mix. I’m hoping the mix is light enough to grow carrots in. If not, I’ll need to think of something else.
Juniordwarf watered the seeds once he’d put them in the potting mix, and he was very careful carrying his little watering can from the tap to the garden that he didn’t spill a drop.
Now the challenge is going to be keeping him interested in the seeds’ progress until we get some carrots in about four months time.
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Yes I noticed after we bought them that they have an orange core too, so maybe they're the same ones. The ones I wanted to get weren't in stock at the shop so rather than wait, I got these ones.The carrots we bought at the supermarket were definitely purple all the way through. So there must be 2 different types.
I have successfully grown purple carrots and should let you know that only the skins on mine were purple. The inside was orange. I did pull them too early, as I thought they were ready, so maybe the inside goes much darker as the carrot matures. The carrots tops grow very tall, so I thought they were ready, but when pulled they weren't much bigger than finger sized. Phooey!