Month: April 2011

P365 Day 110 – the eyes have it

My eye has been very sore the last couple of days. I called the optometrist and they were able to get me an appointment tomorrow. It’s quite timely really, because I’m almost due for a review of my prescription. Anyway they suggested I didn’t wear my contact lenses until...

P365 Day 109 – washing up and other helpful jobs

Continuing on with the theme of Juniordwarf helping out, on Saturday night I was stunned when he said he wanted to help me wash up after I’d been cooking dinner. He hadn’t shown any interest in helping me cook which, if he wants to help with anything, is what...

P365 Day 108 – too early

Under normal circumstances, Slabs has Mondays off. Usually I catch the bus in to work on those days, and it’s usually the 6.30 am bus that I like to get. To catch this bus I have to get up at 5.20 (yes, it takes me that long to get...

P365 Day 107 – hot chocolate

I think I mentioned a few weeks ago how Juniordwarf has started to do a lot of things now that he wasn’t doing before. He’s been helping me cook his Sunday night cheesy noodles for quite a while now, and he’s getting really good at pouring the milk into...

sunday selections – autumn colours (more photos added)

Juniordwarf and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful autumn afternoon, after the normal early morning fog. Once that cleared, it was a glorious day, perfect for getting out of the house and taking photos. These photos are edited in my favourite iPhone app at...

P365 Day 106 clouds

I was cooking dinner tonight and looked out the window to see these clouds. We get some great clouds, and I love the light in that period just before the sun sets. It takes a bit of cropping and darkening to hide the neighbours’ houses whenever I take cloud...

P365 Day 105 – scrapbooking (15/04/2011)

As I’ve posted previously, Friday night is scrapbooking night for me at our local scrapbooking shop. Here’s a picture of my bag. How handy that it has a pocket especially sized for a bottle of wine!...

P365 Day 104 – an umbrella party

And on the third day there was . . .  more rain. It’s not real rain. At least where I’ve been it’s not. I won’t speak for the areas of the state that are in flood at the moment. But what I mean is it’s not pelting down and...

P365 Day 103 – more rain

This morning it was still raining. Apparently the rainfall over the 24 hours since 9:00 am yesterday was 77 mm, the highest 24 hour rainfall since 1960. Remember the view from my window at work a few weeks ago? This is what it looked like today. Well actually it...

P365 Day 102 – it’s raining

Today’s forecast (courtesy of the Bureau of Meteorology) :  Rain, becoming heavy at times this evening and later tonight, with possible flash flooding. Moderate to fresh and gusty south to southeast winds. Tomorrow’s forecast: Cloudy with rain periods easing to showers during the afternoon and evening. Moderate to fresh and gusty south...