P365 – Day 25 a little guy
Posted On 25 January 2011
Today juniordwarf and I went to a friend’s house for a mothers group get-together.
All the other kids were inside dressing up and juniordwarf was checking out his friend’s play area. He asked me to come over to him. When I got there I noticed this little guy hanging out near the slide.
It was the smallest lizard I’d ever seen. (It would’ve helped to put a 20c piece next to him to show how small he was!)
At first I wondered if he was actually alive because he didn’t move for ages. Just stood there. Terrified probably. But he was fine, and juniordwarf got a good look at him before he scuttled off under the play equipment.
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I used to see lots of little lizards in Wagga Wagga, mainly around the very old garage (it might have been a converted stable), but they weren't as glossy as this one.