Week 51/2024: Long exposures
Week of 16 December 2024 My last full week of work for 2024. I was desperately trying to get a piece of work finished by Friday. It didn’t happen. Long exposures Morning walks I met up with the photographer Andy Hatton to pick up my Dorney House print from...
Stolen Focus
Stolen Focus I’d heard a lot about Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. A couple of people I know had read it, and it kept popping up in book lists and newsletters from bookstores. There was a long wait for it at the library so I only got it right...
Bored and Brilliant challenge 6: Observe something else
Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Challenge 4 Challenge 5 Bored and Brilliant challenge 6 is to go somewhere public and stay for a while: a park, a mall, a gas station, a cafe, the hallway at work. Once...
Bored and Brilliant challenge 5: Doing the deep work
Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Challenge 4 I went for a week without Instagram on my phone because of this challenge. The thing that doing this did most was to make me realise how many times I pick...
19 for 2019: week 14 update
Week of 1 April After my massive week of achievements in week 13, I wasn’t anywhere near as productive in week 14 with my 19 for 2019 list. In fact, I can count the things I progressed on one hand. One finger, even. Status for week 14 Things completed...
Bored and Brilliant challenge 4: app addled
Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 An idea came to me for a work thing while I was out walking without my phone. It works! Today was the day to delete the app. The tough day that was coming...
Bored and Brilliant challenge 3: making memories
Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Tuesday I had another day without using my phone in transit. I didn’t feel any particular urge to use it or feel that I was missing anything. My biggest fear is that I will forget...
Bored and brilliant challenge 2: out of sight
Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 of the Bored and Brilliant experiment is called ”Keep your devices out of reach while in motion”. This means exactly what it says. You’re supposed to keep your phone out of view, including not listening...
Bored and brilliant challenge 1: digital overload
You can find the introduction to the Bored and Brilliant experiment here. The first challenge in the Bored and Brilliant experiment is simply to observe your phone usage and to think about what you want to get out of the challenge. The brains behind the experiment, Manoush Zomorodi, suggests downloading the...
Bored and brilliant
Coming to the end of my 30-day no alcohol challenge, I am itching to do another challenge. I heard about the Bored and Brilliant challenge a long time ago on the podcast Note to Self by Manoush Zomorodi. It started out as an experiment to see what happened when people...