Tassievore eat local challenge – feast day!
Yesterday was feast day! I learned last time I held a Tassievore feast not to be too ambitious. I’d thought about including a dessert on the menu like I did last time, but decided in the end it would make things too busy for me. I could have made...
I’m back!
Not that I’ve been anywhere. I’ve been lurking, and feeling a bit like my progress in the #steppingonthecracks project has come to a screaming halt. If you haven’t been following my project, it’s a series of challenges where I try out a new habit, technique or idea for 30...
30 days of undone things – days 2-6
I’m now six days into my challenge of doing 30 annoying little things that have been on my to-do list forever and that are mostly pretty easy to do, which which I just can’t seem to get done. Day 2 (Friday): I put everything away off the bench top...
Challenge 9 – 30 days of undone things
It’s time to start work on 30 things I’ve been putting off and that are annoying me. Here’s my complete list of things I am going to finish before 31 December: Sew button onto black top Clear stuff off bench top Book skin check Order pen from Notemaker Order...