Challenge 9 – 30 days of undone things

It’s time to start work on 30 things I’ve been putting off and that are annoying me.


Here’s my complete list of things I am going to finish before 31 December:

  1. Sew button onto black top
  2. Clear stuff off bench top
  3. Book skin check
  4. Order pen from Notemaker
  5. Order yoga shoes
  6. Clean out the freezer
  7. Make card for Kramstable’s 4th Grade yearbook
  8. Print photo for a project that has been going on way too long
  9. Make a list of jobs that I can do in 5/10 minutes for when I have a short gap in my day
  10. Make a list of things I can do when I have low energy rather than go on my phone
  11. Put the instruction book and receipt for the whipper snipper with all the other instruction books
  12. Sort out the pile of receipts on my desk
  13. Update my name with my credit card bank
  14. Go into phone company and update my name
  15. Confirm blood donation
  16. Get my baby slides scanned
  17. Finish the Facing Fear worksheets (there are 6 so is this 6 things?)
  18. Get new cord for Kramstable’s greenstone pendant
  19. Get desktop drawers for my study
  20. Buy new towels to replace the ones that are falling apart
  21. Wash the fruit & veg bags
  22. Clear all the stuff off the couch
  23. Take my headphones into my study
  24. Sew buttons onto purple shawl
  25. Make a list of the beers in the beer books
  26. Sort magazine rack
  27. Sort cookbooks
  28. Clear off coffee table
  29. Clean and sort cutlery drawer
  30. Wash baby mat
  31. Take empty folders to school
  32. Take coins to bank
  33. Get battery for scale

I felt a bit inspired today and crossed four things off the list. Ideally I’d do one a day, but I know this won’t always be possible, so the idea is to have the list finished in 30 days. Some of these things will take longer than a couple of minutes to do. Clear off the coffee table for example. This might take several days of gradually moving stuff to its proper place. Or the bin.

Anyway I’ve committed to doing this, so do it I must. Feel free to join me and we can be each other’s cheer squad! I’m tagging my posts #30undonethings on Twitter if you want to play along.

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