12 of 12 November 2014
I missed the last couple of months of 12 of 12, but I’m back now. I have the September photos, I just haven’t done anything with them. As for October, I completely forgot. I also forgot to do 13 of 13 amd 14 of 14, so I gave up....
P365 – Day 244 – 1/2 way in, I mean 2/3!
I was going to do this post as my ‘half-way through the 365 photos’ post, but other things got in the way, and I never quite made it. So here we are, it’s my ‘2/3 way through the year’ post. I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog lately....
P365 – Day 209 – pen amnesty
A few weeks ago, the wonderful people at NoteMaker announced a Pen Amnesty, where you could trade in your ugliest, dodgiest pen for a shiny new one from their online store. All you had to do is upload a picture of your offensive pen, and then you would get...
P365 – Day 188 – here I write (7/7/2011)
I went out at lunch time with my book, sat in the park and wrote. I felt uncomfortable, exposed. It wasn’t calm or relaxing. I had to leave....
P365 – Day 88 thinking offline
Way back in January, I was looking for the perfect notebook to use as a journal/planner for this year. I’d seen a couple of things I liked, but that weren’t quite right, so I put a call out on twitter to see if anyone had any suggestions. The lovely...
P365 – Day 83 feeling kinda arty* (aka ‘on art & writing’ part 2) 24/03/2011
Part 1. Writing is a major part of my work, and has been in pretty much all of the positions that I’ve held during public service jobs in various departments, both federal and state government. But it’s not the type of writing I enjoyed as a child, so even...
P365 – Day 66 pushing papers (AKA ‘on art and writing part I’)
When we were kids, Lil Sis was recognised as the artist and I was the writer. I don’t know if this was a deliberate thing on the part of our parents, or if it just turned out that way. It seemed like her artworks were always on display in...
P365 – Day 31 one month in
I’ve been taking daily pictures and writing about them for a month today, so I thought this would be a good time to reflect on my first month of blogging. It’s been an interesting process for me. At first I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to do this,...