Category: travel

I love Paris in the, er, autumn

I love Paris in the, er, autumn Paris, France Paris, France (or I crossed a road in Paris and didn’t die) The original trip wasn’t going to include Paris, but Lil Sis saw a ‘Luxury Paris Day Tour’ in the material from the travel agent and suggested it. It...

Hop on Hop off

Hop on Hop off London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom Our first full day in London. I woke up feeling relatively normal, which was a relief. Breakfast was included in our hotel rate, so we didn’t have to go anywhere. S peaking of the hotel, you’d think our room...

We made it

We made it London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom Remember that sleep I was going to get on the flight from Dubai to London? Hahahahaha! We left Dubai at about 2am Dubai time (11pm UK time), with a revised ETA into Heathrow of 6.45am, apparently due to strong headwinds....

The long walk to nowhere

The long walk to nowhere Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai, United Arab Emirates We arrived at Dubai International Airport around midnight on Monday, after a 7.5 hour flight from Brunei. I tried to sleep but plane seats really aren’t, that comfortable. Every time I found myself drifting off to...

First stop: Brunei

First stop: Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei If you’re flying with Royal Brunei Airlines, obviously you’re going to spend some time in Brunei Darussalam International Airport. We had a two and a half hour stopover scheduled on the way, which turned into a three and...

And off we go!

And off we go! Tullamarine, Australia Tullamarine, Australia (Written somewhere over the Banda Sea, Indonesia. I’ll update with photos later.) Fortunately we had a 7am flight rather than 6 am, so we could sleep in until 5am. Yep. Of course my body clock decided 4.40 was a better time to...

Departure minus 8 hours or so

Departure minus 8 hours or so Hobart, Australia Hobart, Australia It’s almost time! What I thought would be a relaxing day at home casually ticking off the last few things to do before I left was anything but. First up today I’d promised Juniordwarf I’d watch a movie with...

Departure minus 2 days

Well minus 1 day now. Travelpod blog post So much to do before we go! This time tomorrow I’ll be in Hobart having said goodbye to Juniordwarf and Slabs. It will be the longest any of us have been apart, and I’ve been feeling very guilty about going....

Departure minus 2 days

Departure minus 2 days New Norfolk, Australia New Norfolk, Australia So much to do before we go! This time tomorrow I’ll be in Hobart having said goodbye to Juniordwarf and Slabs. It will be the longest any of us have been apart, and I’ve been feeling very guilty about...

Departure minus 1 week

Departure minus 1 week New Norfolk, Australia New Norfolk, Australia Ok, so this is getting real now. We have all the documents from the travel agent. Everything is booked. All we have to do is pack our bags and get on the plane. Hahaha! It sounds easy. It’s hard...