Category: sleep

19 for 2019: week 25 update

Week of 17 June A couple of conversations with people this week have reassured me that I’m not the only one who is feeling miserable and downcast during these short, dark, cold winter days and I’m not the only one who prefers to hibernate rather than be around crowds...

19 for 2019: week 23 update

Week of 3 June: Sunday 9 June 2019 My work has been incredibly busy the last month. I have been putting in long hours, not taking proper breaks and not taking very good care of myself. I haven’t been walking, I haven’t been drinking enough water, I haven’t been...

19 for 2019: week 13 update

Week of 25 March On Sunday I completed the month without alcohol challenge (thing 13). I went for a whole month without a drink. Yay me! I’ve written a lot about doing this over the month and I’m not going to go over it all again other than to...

Water, water and more water

On Tuesday I wrote about how I was going to attempt Chris Bailey’s water experiment that he wrote about in The Productivity Project. Chris gave up coffee, alcohol and soft drink for a month and drank only water. A lot of water. He says he drank four litres of...

19 for 2019: week 11 update

Week of 11 March 2019 Week 11 has been interesting. I’m halfway through my 30 days of no alcohol (thing 13), which I wrote about on Thursday and onto day ten without coffee. As I mentioned in previous posts, I’m also tracking my energy levels over the course of...

30 days alcohol free: day 10

I wrote this post on Sunday, day 10 of the 30-day no alcohol challenge, and felt like it hadn’t been difficult at all. I’d been feeling really good about it. I guess that’s a good thing. I’d hate to be finding out that I’m addicted to alcohol and was...

19 for 2019: week 9 update

Week of 25 February 2019 After my two mid-week posts, it’s time for my regular weekly update on 19 for 2019. You most likely would have seen my posts last week about starting my 30 days alcohol-free (thing 13) and how I’m using that to try to get to...

19 for 2019: more sleep, less booze

Quite some time ago, I don’t remember when, I heard about Chris Bailey’s Productivity Project, in which Chris set out to conduct a year-long series of productivity experiments on himself to find out how different strategies and tips affected his work. He wrote a blog about his experiences and followed...

19 for 2019: mid-week 9 update

Week of 25 February Whatever is the world coming to? A mid-week update? This never happens! Next thing you know I’ll be returning to blogging every day. Maybe not. This is an update about getting ready to take on thing 13 from my 19 for 2019 list, which is...

The not such a good day

This morning, after I had watched the sun slip over the horizon, I wrote: I was feeling great about everything I was doing until yesterday when a few curve balls stopped me in my tracks and I no longer felt like I was in a good place. So today...