Category: self

Week 43/2022: The week that wasn’t

Week of 24 October 2022 The week that wasn’t If there were a prize for the worst week of the year so far, this week would win it hands down. It was my first five-day work week for a while and I had to spend two days in an...

Week 41/2022: Doing the morning ritual

Week of 10 October 2022 Doing the morning ritual Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reading Laura Vanderkam’s book Tranquility by Tuesday.  This week I started thinking about rebuilding my morning ritual as Laura suggests in the first chapter. It’s the logical extension of going to bed...

Week 40/2022: Building a morning ritual

Week of 3 October 2022 Building a morning ritual Following Sunday’s post about changing up my bedtime, as prompted by Chapter 1 of Laura Vanderkam’s new book Tranquility by Tuesday, I’ve been looking at the bonus section of the chapter, which suggests putting together a morning routine. Of all...

Giving myself a bedtime

Giving myself a bedtime A lesson from Tranquility by Tuesday Late last week I read about Laura Vanderkam’s new book Tranquility by Tuesday, which is subtitled 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters. I took one look at what the book was about and...

Week 39/2022: Minimising overwhelm

Week of 26 September 2022 Minimising overwhelm Monday was my first day in the office for a very long time. There were a few reasons for me not having gone back before now, some of which involve other people, and it all started to get complicated. But there’s a...

Week 38/2022: Writing a bit more

Week of 19 September 2022 Writing a bit more I did some writing this week. My goal was to complete each day’s writing task in the Creative Writing Bootcamp on the actual day of the task. That didn’t quite go according to plan. Well, one of the day’s tasks...

Week 36/2022: My writing plan

Week of 5 September 2022 My writing plan Last week I promised that if I hadn’t made a plan to get writing again by the end of this week, I’d get up at 6.00 every morning to write for 30 minutes. I made the plan. It actually isn’t that...

Week 35/2022: Just do the next thing

Week of 29 August 2022 Just do the next thing. . . I started to write this post but, reading over it, I realised it wasn’t going anywhere. So I’ve shortened it to be a quick update on my three focus areas. I want to fix my shoulder and...

Week 33/2022: Arty adventures

Week of 15 August 2022 Arty adventures Tuesdays are my half days at work. When I have a medical appointment at 12.00, which doesn’t happen very often because I normally get in at 2.20, my work day gets cut back to about two and a half hours. This Tuesday...

Week 32/2022: Joyful movement

Week of 8 August 2022 Joyful movement After writing about movement a few weeks ago, I started thinking about my walking habit. Walking is one of the things that I do. My habit has been to get up early and go for a walk before anyone else is up...