Category: productivity

Week 9/2023: Atomic habits part 5

Week of 27 February 2023 Atomic Habits Part 5 As I wrote last time, I’m carrying on with James Clear’s 30-day habit challenge to try and get myself back into a writing habit. Since then, I’ve started the daily habit of sitting at my desk, opening my notebook and...

Writing again: atomic habits part 4

Atomic Habits Part 4 The 30-day challenge As I’ve been writing over the last couple of weeks, the first six lessons from James Clear’s 30-day habit challenge looked first at establishing your identity and choosing small (tiny) habits you can do to support that identity, and then setting up...

Stolen Focus

Stolen Focus I’d heard a lot about Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. A couple of people I know had read it, and it kept popping up in book lists and newsletters from bookstores. There was a long wait for it at the library so I only got it right...

Week 4/2023: Plan on friday

Week of 23 January 2023 A week on and a week off After our week in Sydney, I went straight back to work on Monday knowing I’d only have just over a week before I’d be on leave for another week. The main things I wanted to do this...

Four thousand weeks

Embracing my finitude and living my life I wrote about the book Four Thousand Weeks several times earlier this year and I felt like I had to write a post about it because it has the potential to change my life. But I kept putting it off and wondering...

Week 41/2022: Doing the morning ritual

Week of 10 October 2022 Doing the morning ritual Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reading Laura Vanderkam’s book Tranquility by Tuesday.  This week I started thinking about rebuilding my morning ritual as Laura suggests in the first chapter. It’s the logical extension of going to bed...

Week 40/2022: Building a morning ritual

Week of 3 October 2022 Building a morning ritual Following Sunday’s post about changing up my bedtime, as prompted by Chapter 1 of Laura Vanderkam’s new book Tranquility by Tuesday, I’ve been looking at the bonus section of the chapter, which suggests putting together a morning routine. Of all...

Week 39/2022: Minimising overwhelm

Week of 26 September 2022 Minimising overwhelm Monday was my first day in the office for a very long time. There were a few reasons for me not having gone back before now, some of which involve other people, and it all started to get complicated. But there’s a...

Week 29/2022: Our bodies are made to move

Week of 18 July 2022 Our bodies are made to move That’s what the shoulder guru physiotherapist said to me at my first appointment on Tuesday. I mean, I know this, right? We are meant to move, not sit staring at a screen for eight, ten, twelve hours a...

Week 23/2022: Catching my breath

Week of 6 June 2022 Catching my breath This was a week where some stuff happened to other people, work went on and it was really cold. It was another week where I had to lower my expectations of what I could get done because I didn’t feel like...