Week 23/2023: Back to back
Week of 5 June 2023 Back to my back This week I had an appointment of some sort every day except Monday, including a double-up on Friday, when I also had to take my mother to an appointment. I went to the physio for the first time in a...
Week 47/2022: Moving again
Week of 21 November 2022 Move by 3 p.m. Getting back to posts about Laura Vanderkam’s book Tranquility by Tuesday, chapter 3 is called Move by 3 p.m. (Yes, I’ve skipped chapter 2. Because it’s complicated!) If you’re super observant, you might have noticed one of the habits I’ve...
Week 32/2022: Joyful movement
Week of 8 August 2022 Joyful movement After writing about movement a few weeks ago, I started thinking about my walking habit. Walking is one of the things that I do. My habit has been to get up early and go for a walk before anyone else is up...
Week 26/2021: soften
Week of 28 June 2021 What did I want to do better this week? I wanted to work on going to bed earlier, taking baby steps rather than trying to change everything all at once. So my new plan was to try and shut everything down by 9.45 on...
20 for 2020: week 32
Week of 3 August My 20 for 2020 list. We got the reading material for our final unit of the uni course (thing 8) on Monday. I spent a couple of hours organising the material and making a study plan so I know what I need to do over...
20 for 2020: week 30
Week of 20 July My 20 for 2020 list. In my quest to find a regular time to sit down and focus on my creative work for longer than 10 or 15 minutes snatched here and there, I thought Tuesday afternoons might be a good time. Except for the...
20 for 2020: week 29
Week of 13 July My 20 for 2020 list. After a week off that I really needed, it was back to work this week. Kramstable was still on school holidays. I’m glad that he’s able to do his own thing for most of the time now, so there is...
20 for 2020: week 28
Week of 6 July My 20 for 2020 list. I had been looking forward to this week for a long time. After the chaos of last week at work and spending the entire weekend working on my uni assignment (thing 8) that I had handed in with the mantra...
20 for 2020: week 24
Week of 8 June My 20 for 2020 list. After a weekend where I put off doing any work on my uni course (thing 8) until Monday, which was a public holiday, I succeeded in not doing any work on it at all. Instead, I spent the day writing,...
20 for 2020: week 21
Week 21: Week of 18 May My 20 for 2020 list. After I handed my uni assignment in last Sunday (thing 8) I felt completely drained and flat and certainly not inspired to start thinking about the rest of the work and the next assignment, which I think is...