Week 32/2023: The big clean out
Week of 7 August 2023 Clearing out family memories If last week was frantic, and overwhelming, this week was a roller coaster that had a lot of steep descents. Everything had to be out of Mum’s place by Thursday so the cleaners could come in on Friday to have...
Week 31/2023: Menopause in four acts
Week of 31 July 2023 An overwhelming week Things have been getting intense. Lil Sis and I have been avoiding going through our mother’s place now that she’s no longer living there, but the time has now come where we have to do it. I normally write each week’s...
Week 11/2023: Three times a week is a habit part 3
Week of 13 March 2023 Three times a week is a habit part 3 I wrote about Laura Vanderkam’s idea that “three times a week is a habit” earlier in the week. This approach is based on her view that people often don’t do “daily habits” seven days a...
Week 35/2022: Just do the next thing
Week of 29 August 2022 Just do the next thing. . . I started to write this post but, reading over it, I realised it wasn’t going anywhere. So I’ve shortened it to be a quick update on my three focus areas. I want to fix my shoulder and...
Week 13/2022: Deep work rhythms
Week of 28 March 2022 Deep rhythms This week was challenging due to a situation with a family member I can’t really get into other than to say that it has had, and continues to have, a significant impact on me and on my mental health. This week was...
Week 06/2022: Back to work
Week of 7 February 2022 Back to work This week it was time to say goodbye to my casual days at home. School went back on Wednesday, I went back to work and it was the first week of my TAFE course (thing 8). My actions for this week...
Week 05/2022: Getting unstuck
Week of 31 January 2022 Getting unstuck What did I want to do this week? My actions for this week were to Finalise my weekly review routine and do it on Sunday morning Identify actions for focus areas I want to work on in February Keep building my “deep...
Week 04/2022: Still settling
Week of 24 January 2022 Still settling We’re four weeks into 2022 and I’m feeling exhausted. I’ve got my three main areas to focus on (body/mind, meaningful work and exploring) and my 22 for 2022 list of things to help me make progress in those areas, but there’s stuff...
21 for 2021: a new list and an update
Week 53: week of 28 December 2020I’m not sure if the last week of the year was week 53 of 2020 or week 1 of 2021. Or if was both. Or if it really matters. (My Travelers Notebook 2021 diary tells me it was week 53 of 2020 and...
20 for 2020: week 42
Week of 12 October 2020 My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week? I wanted to get my uni assignment finished and submitted. Nothing else really mattered this week. I was hoping to start tweaking my planning so I could get things done....