Category: organising

20 for 2020: week 42

Week of 12 October 2020 My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week? I wanted to get my uni assignment finished and submitted. Nothing else really mattered this week. I was hoping to start tweaking my planning so I could get things done....

20 for 2020: week 40

Week 40: Week of 28 September My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week? Learn about different ways to get stuff done because planning and scheduling isn’t working for me. So, how did that go then? I’ve been vascillating between thinking I am...

20 for 2020: week 39

Week 39: Week of 21 September My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week? Go for a walk in the afternoon after work. Plan my week and my days better to include a firm pack up and shut down time. So, how did...

20 for 2020: week 4

Week of 20 January There’s not a lot to report on this week. I went to work and had two days off that were largely taken up with family matters, a big event on Saturday and a long bike ride and some study on Sunday. It means I didn’t...

20 for 2020: week 1

Week of 30 December Week one of 20 for 2020 was only five days, but I’ll count it as a week. I haven’t made a page for the list yet, but here’s a link to the first post where I outlined the 20 (or 22) things I want to...

19 for 2019: update week 1

We’re almost one week into 2019 and I’ve printed my 19 for 2019 list and stuck it on my wall so I’ll see it rather than make it and forget about it. I’m going to try and keep myself accountable by posting my progress over the year, so, welcome...

30 days of undone things – days 2-6

I’m now six days into my challenge of doing 30 annoying little things that have been on my to-do list forever and that are mostly pretty easy to do, which which I just can’t seem to get done. Day 2 (Friday): I put everything away off the bench top...

Book 1/24 – 18 Minutes

I don’t set New Year’s resolutions, but sometimes I spend some time in January thinking about what I want to achieve in the coming year and what I want to focus on. One of the things I decided I want to do this year was to learn more. That...

On our way!

On our way! Melbourne, Australia Melbourne, Australia Last night was spent testing all my devices to make sure they all talk to each other. Of course an iPhone 6 doesn’t want to have anything to do with my 2009 MacBook Pro running an operating system that is three versions...

The day before we leave

The day before we leave New Norfolk, Australia New Norfolk, Australia This time tomorrow we will be getting off a plane in Melbourne and transferring to our flight to Christchurch. We only have a short layover in Melbourne to clear through security and customs (aka Border Force), who are...