Category: family

Week 02/2025: Sadness settles in

Sadness settles in Week of 6 January 2025 The first full week of 2025. It was . . . challenging. The story of moving out The story begins when Kramstable said he wanted to live in Melbourne. He first mentioned this a few years ago but that’s all I...

Week 52/2024: The last week of the year

Week of 23 December 2024 The last (full) week of 2024. This involves finishing up at work, getting ready for Christmas, doing Christmas, recovering from Christmas. Kramstable got some very exciting news, which isn’t mine to talk about, but will involve some massive changes in 2025. The last week...

Week 48/2024: Endings

Week of 25 November 2024 This week I was tired. Things just didn’t work out. I didn’t sleep enough, I hurt myself exercising, I am very tired, and to top the week off a family member who I don’t live with, but had visited the day before, tested positive...

Week 44/2024: Art and food

Week of 28 October 2024 The last public holiday before Christmas has gone, and we’re into the final two weeks of school for my Year 12 student. There are hints of warmer weather too. If I were a proper gardener, I’d be thinking about tomato plants. Weekend wanderings in...

Week 41/2024: Recovery and plovers

Week of 7 October 2024 We were in Western Australia until Tuesday night but I’ll leave those updates for my travel blog posts, which will come sporadically over the next few weeks as I sort through my photos and notes from the trip. Recovery . . . and plovers...

Week 40/2024: WA travel blog part 1

Week of 30 September 2024 A week of travel on the sunny west coast of Australia. Go West! Part one Day 1: To Perth As I wrote last week, we headed off on Sunday for a ten-day holiday to Western Australia. I’d been to WA twice previously, both times...

Week 33/2024: Singing strangely

Stranger Sings! Week of 12 August 2024 This week was the culmination of six months work by Kramstable and his college classmates, when they had their first performances of their musical, Stranger Sings! So this week is all about that. The parody musical When Hobart College announced last year...

Week 22/2024: Hacking and journalling

Week of 27 May 2024 Hacking and journalling There were two highlights this week, both of which meant I had to drive a car to get there. (I dislike driving and avoid it wherever possible so you’ll know if I drive somewhere I either have no choice or it’s...

Canberra & NSW travel blog part 4: Tumut

Day 5 & 6: Tumut & Blowering Dam—and heading home I wrote about my morning in Tumut and our walk on the Adelong sculpture trail in part 3. After we’d finished at the sculpture trail, we drove back to Tumut. Blowering Dam Slabs wanted to continue the nostalgia journey...

Week 19/2024: Supremely judgmental

Supremely judgmental Week of 6 May 2024 This week was the 200th anniversary celebrations for the Supreme Court of Tasmania. And Sunday was Mother’s Day. Supreme Court My favourite building It’s no secret that my favourite building in Hobart (that is still standing) is the Supreme Court. And on...