Category: family

Week 1/2024 (part 1): All of the ham

Week of 1 January 2024 Cooking with ham Because I was unwell (and still am), Saturday was my first cooking day since Christmas day. I decided to cook a dish using ham. Why? Well, Kramstable had brought home a gigantic ham this week from work. It was bigger than...

Week 52/2023: A very covid christmas

An uninvited guest Week of 25 December 2023 The last week of 2023 was supposed to have been a week of catching up with Slabs’s family for Christmas, a short break in Melbourne, and relaxing. We don’t always get what we expect though. A very covid Christmas Our Christmas...

Week 47/2023: Recovering, and meeting the governor

An excellent week Week of 20 November 2023 Recovery from the Point to Pinnacle This was my recovery week from Sunday’s Point to Pinnacle. I was relieved the walk was over! My sore foot didn’t hurt too much and the small amount of pain I’d had in my right...

Week 37/2023: Airmail

The first airmail service from Tasmania Week of 11 September 2023 The things you find in piles of old papers Looking through some of my mother’s papers on the weekend, I discovered a letter written to my grandmother, who was living in Melbourne, from her brother, my great uncle,...

Week 32/2023: The big clean out

Week of 7 August 2023 Clearing out family memories  If last week was frantic, and overwhelming, this week was a roller coaster that had a lot of steep descents. Everything had to be out of Mum’s place by Thursday so the cleaners could come in on Friday to have...

Week 31/2023: Menopause in four acts

Week of 31 July 2023 An overwhelming week Things have been getting intense. Lil Sis and I have been avoiding going through our mother’s place now that she’s no longer living there, but the time has now come where we have to do it. I normally write each week’s...

A weekend retreat: Mount Field National Park

Mount Field National Park Week 24/2023 (part 2): Week of 19 June 2023 When we lived in the Derwent Valley (it seems so long ago now), we used to take the occasional trip to Mount Field National Park. Sometimes for short walks, sometimes to camp overnight. Prior to colonisation,...

Week 16/2023: The central cookery book

Week of 17 April 2023 The Central Cookery Book I recently discovered an Instagram account called @vintagestasrecipes, which posts photos of old cookbooks and related ephemera. It made me think of Tasmania’s best-known old cookbook, The Central Cookery Book, which was probably found in the homes of most Tasmanians,...

Week 5/2023: Atomic habits

Week of 30 January 2023 Putting things in place I had only two days of work this week before having a week off for the last week of school holidays. It’s weird, knowing that there’s only one more year that January will be school holidays. Time off has given...