Category: art

Channeling – Day 2 (11 July 2015)

After our yummy dinner the night before, we all slept in this morning. The cottage was so very dark and quiet. Breafast was included with our deal. We could choose from cereal, fresh home made bread with jam, and eggs, as well as plunger coffee. Slabs set to work...

12 of 12 June 2015

Friday 12 June started out cold at home, but warmed up very nicely during the day to about 13 degrees. Yesterday had been intense, and I was feeling all sorts of things all at once. I stayed up way too late last night and looked and felt like it...

a day out with kids, trash and plastic

On Wednesday I went with Juniordwarf’s class on an excursion all about rubbish. The other parents who had volunteered for this task joined the class and one of the older classes in the morning for a walk to Salamanca. Moving 50+ kids in a walking train is no easy...

Holiday Day 1: Sheffield

It’s become a bit of a tradition for us to go away in the middle of January for a few days. Last year we went to Bruny Island, and this year we decided to take a trip to the north of the state. Our destination on the first day...

Last day in London

Last day in London London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom We had no plans for today. It was our last day in London so we thought we’d just see what we felt like doing on the day. We decided that we couldn’t in all good conscience stay 2 blocks...

12 of 12 December 2013

Thursday 12 December was a pretty ordinary school and work day. 1 of 12 – School bank day. 2 of 12 – Lunch order day (Thursdays we have to remember two things!) 3 of 12 – This flower caught my eye on the way to work. 4 of 12...

P365 – Day 249 – special activities

Juniordwarf loves talking about how they do ‘special activities’ at school, so somehow anything that is remotely crafty that we do at home has become a ‘special activity’ Today the Salvation Army was holding a ‘crazy crafts’ session through the Communities for Children program. That sounded like a whole...

P365 – Day 240 – some of what we did today

This morning I looked into Juniordwarf’s room and this is what I saw: He said he was lining up all the numbers. He’d obviously run out of room at the bed and had to continue the sequence under his bed. He was taking one number or one picture under...

P365 – Day 199 – a flower for mum

A couple of weeks ago I was having a moan on Twitter that I couldn’t think of anything to take photos of for this project and one of my Twitter friends suggested that I check out the Hipstamatic app. She’d been posting some really lovely photos, which were very...

P365 – Day 126 i love mum (6/5/2011)

Earlier in the week, Juniordwarf told me he’d made a flower at school. I said that sounded lovely, and asked if he was going to bring it home so I could see it. He said no. I didn’t give it much more thought, and then today when I picked...