Week 44/2023: A normal week
A normal week
Week of 30 October 2023
Not much happened this week
I cut back on my walking training for the Point to Pinnacle, hoping some rest might be good for my foot. I don’t know what’s going on with it.
My osteopath suggested going to see a podiatrist, and I have another physio appointment next week. If neither of them have any answers it’s going to be an uncomfortable walk up to the summit of kunanyi.
With two weeks to go, I guess I’m glad my back still isn’t hurting too!

Walking tracker week 10
- Monday (2 km): 2.58 km
- Tuesday (3 km): 2.59 km
- Wednesday (5 km): 2.74 km
- Thursday (2 km): 19,250 steps
- Friday (2 km): 2.40 km
- Saturday (3 km): 11,948 steps
- Sunday (16 km): 6.17 km
Week 44 summary
What was the best thing about this week?
We went to the Theatre Royal to see the play Bingo! Stay on the Ball Ladies, by Belinda Bradley. We’ve known Belinda for a long time. She was Kramstable’s first drama teacher in 2012 and, with her partner Franz, wrote the 2022 ABC TV series Savage River.
The play was great! We laughed a lot. It was funny and poignant.

Here’s the blurb:
Six mature women, in rural Tasmania, who played netball together when they were young, in an unfortunate twist of fate, on their way to bingo, have a car accident and run over “Death”. Death has a bad back and is not impressed.
What follows is a hilarious and insightful look into friendship, life and keeping your eyes on the ball.
They’re running extra shows on 9 and 10 November, so if you get a chance to go, I highly recommend it.
What did I notice this week?
I didn’t see the little wrens who’ve been visiting the back yard over the past few weeks on Sunday. I hope they’re okay.

What did I learn this week?
I learned that a nightcore edit of a music track speeds it up by about 35% so it’s almost the same as playing a 33 1/3 RPM record at 45 RPM.
I also learned that the term ‘graphic design’ was coined in the 1920s by American designer William Addison Dwiggins.
What I’m reading this week
- Bullshit Jobs: The Rise of Pointless Work and What We Can Do About It by David Graeber
- Judy Garland Beyond the Rainbow by Sheridan Morley and Ruth Leon
- Do Story: How to tell your story so the world listens by Bobette Buster
- What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles
- Living Drama by Bruce Burton