12 of 12 April 2014

12 April 2014 was a Saturday. It’s the weekend before Easter and leading up to the last three days of school for the term. I’m tired. After the Walk in her Shoes challenge ended, I couldn’t manage to get out of bed in the mornings to go for a walk. Not even my shiny new shoes could tempt me. This week, I finally started doing it again.

1 of 12 – The streets are deserted this early in the morning.


2 of 12 – The leaves are starting to change. Autumn is here.Image

3 of 12 – On the weekend I can get up a bit later and walk when it’s light. We live in a beautiful place.


4 of 12 – Saturday is local market day, and I look forward to laksa for breakfast every week.


5 of 12 – I recently decided to stop having milk in my coffee. I’m a long black drinker now. We go through a lot less milk now, and I drink a lot less coffee. I think my coffee addiction was actually a caffeine milkshake addiction.


6 of 12 – Juniordwarf said that knitting was his new hobby. He’s never knitted before, but he wanted to do it. So we went (in his space ship) to Planet Knitting and I started to show him how. I didn’t think I’d remember what to do, but it all came back to me quite quickly.


7 of 12 – I filled this garden bed with chook poo and straw for 4 months, before starting on the next one. The idea is to fill them, let them rot for a few months and then start planting in them. This one is ready to go.


8 of 12 – My poor zucchini plant.


9 of 12 – I’ve managed to grow one paltry tomato this year. No, make that two. I suck at gardening.

Image10 of 12 – Juniordwarf has just started to read some Enid Blyton books for the first time. He said that the garden is “The Enchanted Garden” and we’ll have adventures there. Today we climbed the Faraway Tree.


11 of 12 – The teddies’ Easter Party has been on the calendar for weeks. It was on tonight and involved singing, dancing and a 6 course menu.


12 of 12 – I’m trying to increase my vegetable intake so I’m looking for ideas on different ways to cook them. Thanks State Library for your excellent selection of cook books.


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