P365 – Day 357 – Derwent Estate (23/12/2011) and year in review 4/12
Posted On 24 December 2011
So you’re driving home from work on December 23 and you see Derwent Estate Wines is open.
Do you:
(a) keep driving?
(b) call in and get some wine for the festive season?
Year in Review (month 4/12)
Since my Project 365 is rapidly coming to an end, I’m going post a link to my favourite post from each month this year over the last 12 days of the year.
April: 10 Murray Street
I thought it was fitting to feature this post again, as earlier this month the Resource Management Planning and Appeals Tribunal dismissed an appeal against the proposed demolition of this building.
The demolition was a central part of the Parliament Square project.
We heard this week that the group “Save 10 Murray” which opposes the demolition, has appealed against that decision, among other reasons, on the grounds that the building’s application for heritage listing was never assessed.
So the saga continues.
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Oh, I would definitely keep driving. When I'm on the way home, I just want to get there!