P365 – Day 278 – sticky notes
Posted On 5 October 2011
Last week I mentioned that my counsellor suggested for me to make a to-do list, but to only put three things on the list.
The idea behind that was to put three things that I wanted or needed to do that day, and that without overwhelming myself with a huge to-do list, I might actually get some things done, rather than finding it all too much and not doing anything.
She suggested using sticky notes – presumably so I couldn’t keep adding and adding to the list and making it so big that I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere.
So for the past two weeks that’s exactly what I’ve been doing.
I’m pleased to say that most days I’ve done – or started – everything on the list for that day.
I’ve been sticking the notes up on the side of my bookcase just as a reminder of all the things I’ve actually achieved over the past two weeks.
It really has made a difference.