Month: April 2011

P365 – Day 100 amber

If I’ve calculated correctly, today is Day 100 of my Project 365. So I thought I’d use today’s post to explain where things are up to right now. You might have noticed that over the past couple of weeks, the style of my photos has changed quite a bit. This...

sunday selections – power plant

Here are some more photos for Frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections photo project. Go on over and have a look  – or post some photos on your blog and join in too! First, here’s what this week’s photos are all about . . . On Friday night Juniordwarf, Slabs, my Mum...

P365 – Day 99 at the footy

Today was the second round of the football competition that our local team plays in. It was the first home game of the season. We go to as many home games as we can, but usually go at about half time, because we’ve found that’s been about the limit...

P365 – Day 98 ahoy there, me hearties! (8/4/2011)

Today was Pirate Dress-Up day for Juniordwarf’s class. This is the first time costumes have been required. I’ve been dreading dress-up days, because I’m not much of a ‘crafty mama’ type. The thought of having to come up with something that looks a little bit like what my boy...

P365 – Day 97 bananas

This is something we’ve seen much less of in our house recently. I bought two bananas last week for $4.80 – that’s $11.99 a kilogram. This was the last one of those two. Here’s another picture just for fun. The price of bananas has – to use a popular...

P365 – Day 96 fog

From one extreme to the other. Yesterday morning we had really bright sunshine. It was a glorious autumn day. Today, this was the view of the hill behind our house. Yes, fog season has well and truly arrived. As we live in a river valley, we get a lot...

P365 – Day 95 167,576 km

I bought my car in 2003. In July it will be eight years old. This morning (with the sun streaming through the windscreen) it went in for its 165,000 km service. This is the last service in the handbook. So I guess this means my car is now ‘middle...

P365 – Day 94 10 murray street

If you’ve spent any time in Hobart, you’ve probably seen this building. It’s 10 Murray Street, also known as the State Offices. Currently home to public servants, it was built in the late 1960s. I’m not an expert on architecture in any sense of the word, so I don’t...

P365 – Day 93 autumn festival (Sunday Selections)

On a chilly, windy autumn day, where the rain threatened but never arrived, we went to our town’s Autumn Festival. After a bumpy start, where the ever-present wind blew Juniordwarf’s lunch off the table, upsetting him to the point he wanted to go home . . . ‘I don’t...