Stolen Focus
Stolen Focus I’d heard a lot about Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. A couple of people I know had read it, and it kept popping up in book lists and newsletters from bookstores. There was a long wait for it at the library so I only got it right...
20 for 2020: Week 51
Week of 14 December 2020 My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week?I wanted to track how many times I mindlessly picked up my phone and scrolled through stuff for no reason. So, how did that go then?I forgot. Again. Also, to be...
20 for 2020: week 31
Week 31: Week of 27 July My 20 for 2020 list. I feel like this week went by incredibly quickly and I didn’t get a lot done. I got my mark for my uni assignment (thing 8) that I had struggled and tortured myself over and was overwhelmed by...
20 for 2020: week 11
Week of 9 March My 20 for 2020 list. Monday was a public holiday (yay) so I let myself sleep in a bit (which is code for lying in bed and thinking about how great it feels not to wake up slightly hungover because I am into week two...
20 for 2020: week 7
Week of 10 February After two intense days of editing my uni assignment last weekend, I was grateful for a public holiday on Monday to recover. Kramstable and I were home and we took advantage of the space I’d made to set up the studio equipment (thing 11) and find...
20 for 2020: week 4
Week of 20 January There’s not a lot to report on this week. I went to work and had two days off that were largely taken up with family matters, a big event on Saturday and a long bike ride and some study on Sunday. It means I didn’t...
20 for 2020: week 2
Week two: Week of 6 January Welcome to week two of 20 for 2020. This is the first full week for the year and I’m lucky I still have some time before my uni course starts to concentrate of some of the other tasks, some of which I think...
20 for 2020: week 1
Week of 30 December Week one of 20 for 2020 was only five days, but I’ll count it as a week. I haven’t made a page for the list yet, but here’s a link to the first post where I outlined the 20 (or 22) things I want to...