Tassievore eat local feast – challenge wrapup
Last weekend I held my Tassievore Eat Local Challenge feast for my family. I invited my mum, Lil Sis and Mr Tall to join us. It’s the second time I’ve done one of these feasts, and I really enjoyed doing it. As a rule I don’t like to cook,...
Tassievore eat local challenge – feast day!
Yesterday was feast day! I learned last time I held a Tassievore feast not to be too ambitious. I’d thought about including a dessert on the menu like I did last time, but decided in the end it would make things too busy for me. I could have made...
Tassievore Eat Local – Weeks 3 and 4
The Tassievore Week 3 challenge was to support a business that uses local produce. I didn’t explore this as much as I’d have liked to over the week, mainly because I was focused on walking as much as I could for the Walk In Her Shoes challenge. Even...
Tassievore Challenge – off we go!
As well as Walk in Her Shoes month, March is the Tassievore Eat Local Challenge month. The Tassievore Challenge is all about encouraging people to eat local food and to explore new places to get Tasmanian food from. There are 4 mini challenges over the month to give people...