Tag: 30 days

Facing Fear (Challenge 4) – Days 3-7

This has been the first week of the #yearoffear challenge, in which I do one thing a day that scares me or makes me feel uncomfortable. So far I’ve been playing in the shallow end of the pool, so next week it might be time to grab my kick...

Challenge 3: Evening rituals – day 22

Day three of the Asian Efficiency Evening Rituals Challenge  is to track your rituals. Gretchen Rubin discusses habit tracking in what she calls the Strategy of Monitoring  in her book Better than Before. She says: “Monitoring has an almost uncanny power. It doesn’t require change, but it often leads to change,...

Evening routines – Day 19/30

To make sure I get the right number of hours sleep, I really need to be in bed at 9.30 at the latest. Right now, I can’t quite get there. So I’m working with 10 pm for now. For Day 1 of the Asian Efficiency Evening Routine Challenge,  I’ve set a...

Facing Fear: day 2/30

Soooo, yesterday was Day 1 of the Facing Fear 30-day challenge. I decided to start off with something that wasn’t too threatening and decided this would be to wear something I wouldn’t normally wear to work. I normally wear short skirts with bright prints. I buy them from Spiceworld (cough)...

#steppingonthecracks challenge 4: Year of fear

For my second “intense” 30-day challenge I’ve decided to jump on board with Kendra Wright and do a 30-day “Facing Fear” challenge. Kendra is a pretty cool lady who has done some amazing things, and overcome pretty big obstacles to get to where she is now. A few years...

Growth mindset: summing up

Today is the end of the (extended) Challenge 2, my 30-day Growth Mindset challenge. Actually I think it was Friday, but I got all mucked up with having a break in the middle of the 30 days and lost track, so as it’s the last day of the month, I’m...

Growth mindset: day 29/30

Also Book 20/24: Jump: A Journey into the Mind of a Champion, by Lydia Lassila and Andrew Clarke. One of the exercises in Carol Dweck’s book Mindset is to find out about the effort that your “hero” put into their accomplishments, rather than assuming they are someone with extraordinary...

30 days of growth mindset: day 23

I’ve lost count of the days since my reset. I think I’m up to day 23. That will do anyway. I’ve been wondering what I can do to explore the growth mindset further before the end of the month. There are a couple of exercises in Carol Dweck’s book I...

30 days of evening routines – take 2/day 2

Before I launch into 30 days of trying to sort out my evening routine, I wanted to explain how I understand this is all supposed to work. The idea behind having a regular predictable routine is basically that, because you have everything lined up to do one after the other,...

Stepping on the cracks: Day 45

If you’ve been following my Travelpod blog, you’ll know that we’ve just got back from a family holiday in Victoria and South Australia. As you might have suspected, my attempt to holiday-proof my routines and continue the Stepping on the Cracks project was a spectacular failure. I ate more,...