Week 36/2022: My writing plan
Week of 5 September 2022 My writing plan Last week I promised that if I hadn’t made a plan to get writing again by the end of this week, I’d get up at 6.00 every morning to write for 30 minutes. I made the plan. It actually isn’t that...
Week 35/2022: Just do the next thing
Week of 29 August 2022 Just do the next thing. . . I started to write this post but, reading over it, I realised it wasn’t going anywhere. So I’ve shortened it to be a quick update on my three focus areas. I want to fix my shoulder and...
Week 29/2022: Our bodies are made to move
Week of 18 July 2022 Our bodies are made to move That’s what the shoulder guru physiotherapist said to me at my first appointment on Tuesday. I mean, I know this, right? We are meant to move, not sit staring at a screen for eight, ten, twelve hours a...
Week 26/2022: I’m reviewing the situation
Week of 27 June 2022 I’m reviewing the situation When I made my 22 for 2022 list, I grouped the 22 things under the three areas where I wanted to make progress in the first three months of 2022: supporting my body and mind engaging in meaningful work exploring Half...
Week 06/2022: Back to work
Week of 7 February 2022 Back to work This week it was time to say goodbye to my casual days at home. School went back on Wednesday, I went back to work and it was the first week of my TAFE course (thing 8). My actions for this week...
Week 38/2021: a bird’s life
Week of 20 September 2021 What did I want to do better this week? Be more mindful and observant, and start to develop my capacity to explore. So, how did that go? I suppose like any new habit, paying more attention will take time to ingrain itself. But I...
21 for 2021: week 19 review
Week 19/2021: week of 10 May 2021 What did I want to do better this week? More than one afternoon’s exercise in the week. So, how did that go then? I did two days . . . I also did the City to Casino seven km walk on Sunday,...
20 for 2020: week 45
Week of 2 November 2020 My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week?Learn to identify early warning signs of becoming distressed in overwhelming situations and removing myself instead of trying to push through because I “have to” stay somewhere. So, how did that...
Weekend wisdom 7
A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. Sometimes I find it interesting that emails, usually from lists I never remember subscribing to, all come in around the same theme, which are often things I’m grappling with at the...
Journalling challenge
This week I’m participating in a journaling challenge set by the people at Asian Efficiency. There’s a journal prompt, which is “what did I learn today?” and each day there is a challenge to help you to incorporate journaling into your daily routine. (oh hi bad grammar) Day 3’s challenge...