Category: sunrise

Walk In Her Shoes – Day 7

Well, this is it – the end of a journey that started back in January when I signed up to do CARE Australia’s Walk In Her Shoes Challenge for the second year. Since then I’ve been gradually increasing my daily step goal from 13,000 in January to 25,000 for...

Walk in Her Shoes – Training Update

It’s now less than 3 weeks to the start of the Walk in Her Shoes Challenge on 16 March. I’ve signed up for the “Gold” level, which is 20,000 steps a day – the same as I signed up for last year. Before I signed up I’d set myself...

Week in review: 16-22 February 2015

This week’s goals: 17,000 steps per day – 6/7 days. Weekly total 137,518 (daily average 19,645) [Private Goal] – 0/7 days Go to bed before midnight (baby steps!) – 5/7 days – 3 of which were 11.55, but it all counts! This week was a quiet week. Still settling back...


If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen this picture I posted earlier in the week of the sunrise. No filters, no processing, just my iPhone pointed at the sky.It really was a stunning morning....

east coast retreat (sunday selections)

I’m linking up with River for Sunday Selections today with some photos of our recent getaway. We went away for a few days to the East Coast of Tasmania. It’s not an area I know well, though I have visited parts of the coast previously and I have vague...

P365 – Day 321 – sunrise

Juniordwarf and I stayed with Aunty Lil Sis and Uncle Mr Tall last night. Even though we didn’t have to be up early, my body clock decided not to let me sleep in. Not cool, as I was very tired from getting over this cold/flu/virus or whatever it is...