Category: sunrise

20 for 2020: week 46

Week of 9 November 2020My 20 for 2020 list. What did I want to do better this week?Put the phone down! Not unconsciously check Instagram. Move more. Not stay sitting down in one place for too long. So, how did that go then?This work has been very busy at...

20 for 2020: week 9

My 20 for 2020 list. Week of 24 February  For my uni course (thing 8), I have five weeks to undertake a project to apply some of the things I’ve learned in the unit to my workplace. There was lots to think about from last week’s workshop and I’ve come...

19 for 2019: week 23 update

Week of 3 June: Sunday 9 June 2019 My work has been incredibly busy the last month. I have been putting in long hours, not taking proper breaks and not taking very good care of myself. I haven’t been walking, I haven’t been drinking enough water, I haven’t been...

19 for 2019; week 7 update

Week of 11 February 2019 Week 7 of 19 for 2019. This is going well! I should have made “update the blog at least once a week” a thing. After a big week last week, things were a lot slower this week. I watched one of the videos for...

19 for 2019: update for week 4

19 for 2019: Week of 21 January 2019 My photo library collapsed last Sunday and this caused me a heap of chaos. I was able to restore the library from a week-old backup and the photos were archived as well, so I didn’t lose them, which was an enormous...

The not such a good day

This morning, after I had watched the sun slip over the horizon, I wrote: I was feeling great about everything I was doing until yesterday when a few curve balls stopped me in my tracks and I no longer felt like I was in a good place. So today...


Yesterday morning Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, I watched the sun rise over the beach. The first hint of colour in this sky. And I watched the colours change as the sun came up. It was magickal. I could see the colours spreading out across the clouds like...

Challenge 6: 30 days of clarity

I’m a few days late with posting about the beginning of Challenge 6 of #steppingonthecracks. I had a vague idea about what this challenge was going to be about, but wasn’t sure how to articulate it. Then I realised that figuring out what the challenge is is actually a big part of...

The long and (not very) winding road

The long and (not very) winding road Meningie, Australia Meningie, Australia You know what a great idea it had been to get up early and see the Twelve Apostles in the morning light? Well for the Blue Lake of Mount Gambier, this didn’t work as well. We saw the...

12 of 12 August 2015

Wednesday 12 August was a work day that wasn’t 100% normal. The forecast for Hobart was 4-15, with a chance of a late shower. 1 of 12 – It was cold when I got up. It’s the time of year when afternoon me hates morning me for rugging up...